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  • October 2017 Newsletter

October 2017
 Newsletter Editor:  Heather Blessing, MA, LMFT 
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 Newsletter Highlights & Important Information

   Don't forget to check out - Listings of paid internships in the Sacramento Area

All of our workshops are at Rancho Cordova City Hall - Click Here for Directions   
Special Feature -
Psychodrama from inside and out by Kathy Campbell, LMFT

We want to thank our amazing volunteers for the month of September: 
Lynn Baker-Nauman
Simone Laluangphet

Letter from the Board

October 1, 2017

Hello SVC-CAMFT Members, 

Can you believe it is already October?  We certainly can't.  Though, reflecting upon the year's accomplishments, it has been a good year for SVC-CAMFT.  We've continued to grow and secure the health of the chapter with high membership numbers and both programming and financial practices that have resulted in a $9k surplus thus far.  With events like this Friday's and November's event we are bound to continue to grow.  As a result of the growth we are able to offer great amenities for the November workshop at a reduced price.  Of course, to continue our growth we need a assistance.

For those interested in the October 4th, 2 CE workshop:

  • Presenter:  Barbara Griswald, LMFT
  • Title: What Should Be in Your Client Charts — And Probably Isn’t:  Writing Great Progress Notes and Treatment Plans
  • Fewer than 10 registration slots available
  • Register for this 2 CE workshop by Tuesday, October 3rd to get the Early Bird Discount - here

And, for November 3rd's 6 CE workshop

  • Presenter:  Robert Weiss, LCSW
  • Title: Sex Addiction in the Digital Age: Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Amenities:  
    • Continental breakfast
    • Catered lunch
    • Afternoon snacks and drinks 
  • Reduced registration price:  ~$20 lower than our typical "all-day" workshop price - click here to register

We are proud to offer these events as part of our 2017 line up.  Special thanks to Nate Hooper, LMFT and Susan Martin for their commitment and imagination--they made the workshops possible.

As we near the end of the year we have begun preparation for next year.  President-Elect Talal Alsaleem, LMFT has convened the Nomination Committee.  And, under my instruction, has begun meeting with Committee Chairs and Executive Committee members to discuss plans and expectations for next year.  We are in need of Program Co-Chairs, two to be exact.  The good news, much of the work for 2018 has already begun and will be completed in the next two months, so if you have an hour or two each month to wrap up 2018 and kick off 2019, then please consider contacting Talal.

We are also looking for a President-Elect for next year.  If you have a few hours each month to broaden your experience and work with a fun bunch of folks, then please consider the opportunity.  It is a rewarding and exciting experience, and Talal is a pleasure to work with--I look forward to his tenure as President, and hope you will consider working with him.

I also thank our Board of Directors for their work this year.

Past-President: Patricia St. James, LMFT

Secretary: Adriana Joyner, LMFT

Treasurer: William "Billy" Schult, MA

Membership Chair: Jessica Wolfe, LMFT

3000 Club Chair: Suzy Lee, LMFT

Volunteer Chair: Angie Moxey, LMFT

And, of course, James Curry, LMFT who is our bookkeeper and Heather Blessing, LMFT who is our Administrative Assistant, IT person, and superhero.

Each month I am excited to start another because of this team.  Perhaps you will consider joining it.

See you at our events!

David Clark
President, SVC-CAMFT

  This issue:
· Letter From the Board
· Legal Beagle

· Presentation Summary
· Upcoming Event
· Upcoming Board Meetings

· Special Feature
· Letters to the Editor

· Psyched about Books and Movies

· Paid MFT Internships
· Advertising and Announcements

· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter


David Clark, MFT Intern

Talal Alsaleem, LMFT

Past President:
Patricia Saint James, LMFT

Adriana Joyner, LMFT

Billy Schult, MFT Intern

Program Co-Chairs:

Nate Hooper, LMFT
Susan Martin, MFT Trainee

3000 Club Chair:
Suzy Lee, LMFT

Volunteer Chair:
Angie Moxey, LMFT

Membership Chair:

Jessica Wolff, LMFT

Sponsorship Chair:


Legal Beagle

dectective.pngWelcome to the section of the SVC-CAMFT newsletter, Legal Beagle written by Darlene Davis, LMFT. The chapter thought it would be helpful to keep you updated on new laws, legislative pursuits or actions, as well as ongoing legaland ethical dilemmas we all face in our career as Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Interns, and Trainees. Please feel free to ask questions that you have and I will do my best to investigate and post your answer in the newsletter. Please note that articles are based on information from CAMFT and/or the BBS and have been researched to the best of my ability. This is not meant to be legal advice.  Please contact CAMFT or Board of Behavioral Sciences for any legal matters you need assistance for.


This is a quarterly column.  You can always send questions to with any questions you want answered in this column.


Darlene Davis, LMFT Executive Director HOPE; Healthy Outcomes for Personal Enrichment MFT Stipend Coordinator for Greater Sacramento Instructor of University of Phoenix

if you are an intern and need the new Law and Ethics training - go to


  September Presentation Summary

Psychodrama tools for Working in Action
(2 CEs)

Kathy Campbell, LMFT

Psychodrama tools for Working in Action was presented and performed experientially by Kathy Campbell, LMFT of Growth in Action for Sacramento CAMFT Chapter’s meeting on September 1, 2017. The presentation was hands on and an interactive exercise, which is always interesting in a room full of therapists! The presentation of psychodrama skills however allowed for audience direction and choice in specific tools reenactment. It was fun, lively, and if you weren’t in the mood, still very much a part of the subtle yet greater enactment of a story called the “Psychodrama Tools for Working in Action” presentation! So, if you were not there, take a moment and imagine what unfolds with these brief directions that were given during this presentation.

“Take a pause and just feel, feel what it’s like to be seen and witnessed. Enter into another’s psyche and notice the subtle nuance of surplus reality, and then, let it go- if you have there in that role, be sure to de-role. You know more than you think you know. When you play and reenact, or create another version of yourself in a safe, supportive space, dancing with the shadow roles, the brain doesn’t care that you are pretending, it builds a new neuropathway in response. That is when we can begin to imagine and act out a new story”

An individual, a family, a community, a world suffering or longing for a new way to seeing things can in a simple, dynamic way, play out a new version of  a story, and begin to heal.

Nina Thi Strom, LMFT


October Events


Topic: **Free** Pre-Licensed 3000 Club Meeting - Partner Relational Betrayal Trauma 
Leslie Haws, LMFT, CSAT, Clinical Director of LifeStar
Friday, October 6. 2017
Time: 8:30am to 9:30am
Location:  Rancho Cordova City Hall,
                2729 Prospect Park Drive,
                Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)
Free Coffee and Donuts
Space is limited so please register here

Workshop Information: 

Leslie Haws, LMFT, CSAT, Clinical Director of LifeStar Sacramento will be discussing the treatment of Partner Relational Betrayal Trauma particularly as the issues relates to infidelity and secret compulsive sexual behaviors.

Presenter Bio: 

Leslie Haws earned a B.A. degree in Sociology and Political Science in 1986, and completed a Master’s in Education with a specialty in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of San Francisco in 1996. She has been a mental health advocate, volunteer and worked in the mental health profession for over 25​years.

Leslie has passionately pursued on-going training and advanced therapeutic treatment models for working with trauma and addiction. Since 1998 she has been helping individuals and couples heal and recovery from compulsive sexual behaviors and partner relational betrayal trauma. In 2005, she co-​founded LifeStar Sacramento (an outpatient treatment program) after receiving her certification in sexual addiction and trauma (CSAT) from Patrick Carnes International Association of Trauma and Addiction Professionals​​ (IITAP).  Currently she is Clinical Director of LifeStar Sacramento for the treatment of compulsive sexual behaviors and partner relational betrayal trauma. Her therapeutic training background is transpersonal, holistic and integrative with Jungian and Depth Psychology as a foundation. She has had a particular passion for the past 20+ years in understanding attachment and trauma and has specialized training in multiple trauma modalities (EMDR, ACT, CRM and body oriented therapies). She has also trained extensively in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Sand Play Therapy and is a specialty trained grief therapist by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and worked in the Hospice field for over 5 years. Leslie is a member of SASH-The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health; IITAP-The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals; and CAMFT.

** Please be courteous and send us an email at if you are unable to attend after you have registered. **


Topic:  What Should Be in Your Client Charts — And Probably Isn’t:  Writing Great Progress Notes and Treatment Plans
Barbara Griswold, LMFT
Date:  Friday, October 6, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00PM
Location: Rancho Cordova City Hall,
2729 Prospect Park Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Doors Open at 9:00AM
Networking starts at 9:00 AM

This program will benefit LMFT, LPCC, LEP and LCSW licensees and pre licensees by citing specific insurance plan expectations, state law, enforcement statistics, CAMFT code of Ethics; all references are cited. Attendees will learn how to write notes that will assist in treatment, as well as to meet the expectations of state law, professional ethics, licensing boards, and insurance plans, as well-written records can be a therapist's best defense when a complaint is filed or treatment is reviewed.

Includes: Breakfast and meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded after the completion of the course via email.

No CEs will be awarded to persons arriving late or leaving early. Partial CE credit will not be awarded.

Workshop Information:

While therapists may shiver at the idea of an insurance plan reviewing a client's chart, records requests are happening more frequently, even to therapists who aren't affiliated with a health plan.  Without proper documentation of medical necessity for treatment, goals, and interventions, insurance may not cover necessary treatment.  Attendees will learn how to write notes that will assist in treatment, as well as to meet the expectations of state law, professional ethics, licensing boards, and insurance plans, as well-written records can be a therapist's best defense when a complaint is filed or treatment is reviewed.  

9:00 am Registration Starts
9:00am - 9:45am - Networking
9:45am - 10:00am - Announcements
10:00am - 11:00am - Workshop
11:00am - 11:10am - Break
11:10am - noon - workshop
noon - Workshop Ends

Learning Objectives:

*     Identify how keeping superficial, vague, or out of date progress notes can hurt therapists and clients

*     Identify common insurance plan documentation requirements

*     Identify the elements of good progress notes, and be able to use the SOAP and DAP note templates

Presenter Bio:
Barbara Griswold, LMFT, is the author of Navigating the Insurance Maze: The Therapist's Complete Guide to Working with Insurance -- And Whether You Should, Sixth Edition ( In private practice in San Jose, she is a past member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists' State Ethics Committee and former Oral Examiner for the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. She has been interviewed on NPR's "Morning Edition," and invites therapists to contact her with insurance questions, and subscribe to her free insurance e-newsletter.

Register and pay online or register online and pay at the door with check or cash.

Early registration ends Tuesday, October 3rd Early registration rates*:

2017 Licensed, Associate or Affiliate Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $202017 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $15
Non-Member: $30

*Add $5 for late or "at-door" registration

For information on joining SVC-CAMFT or renewing your membership for 2017 please email:

Refund Policy
Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to an event may be subject to an administrative fee to cover costs of the initial transaction.  No shows, failure to attend, and cancellations 7 or fewer days prior to an event for any reason are non-refundable, including registrations received fewer than 7 days prior to an event. No credit, refunds, or price adjustments will be given for typographical advertisement errors. A $25 fee in addition to the registration fee will be charged for insufficient funds, denied credit cards, or charge-backs. By registering for the event you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.

Grievance Policy is located here.

To request accommodations for a disability for any of our events contact our Administrative Assistant at


Topic:**Free** Pre-Licensed 3000 Club Workshop - Business Aspects of Therapy
Florence Soares-Dabalos
Date: Friday, November 3. 2017
Time: 8:30am to 9:30am
Location:  Rancho Cordova City Hall,
                2729 Prospect Park Drive,
                Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Space is limited so please register here

Please Note the workshop on Sex Addiction with Robert Weiss starts at 9:30am so you can go to both.  To register for that workshop click here.

Workshop Information:  Want to know how to start your own practice? Florence Soares-Dabalos, LMFT has been in private practice and currently supervises interns (mfti, pcci, asw) and can help you understand the business aspects of therapy and private practice.


Topic:  Sex Addiction in the Digital Age: Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment
  Robert Weiss
  Friday, November 3, 2017
Time: 9:30 AM to 4:30PM
Location: Rancho Cordova City Hall,
2729 Prospect Park Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Doors Open at 8:30AM
Networking starts at 8:30 AM

This program will benefit LMFT, LPCC, LEP and LCSW licensees and pre licensees by providing insight into the process addictions, their treatment and the empathic insight required to view this problem for what it is—the adult expression of early complex trauma and attachment loss.

Includes: Continental Breakfast, Fajita Lunch Buffet, afternoon drinks and snacks and meets the qualifications for 6 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded after the completion of the course via email. 

No CEs will be awarded to persons arriving late or leaving early. Partial CE credit will not be awarded.

Workshop Information:

This workshop is designed to offer realistic, useful insight into the assessment and treatment compulsive and addictive sexualacting out behavior, related infidelities and sexual acting out (both online and in-vivo).

Register and pay online or register online and pay at the door with check or cash.
2017 Licensed, Associate or Affiliate Member of SVC-CAMFT : $60
2017 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT : $40

Non-Member: $80


2017 Upcoming Workshops

 Date CEs Topic Speaker Location         
 October 6
 2 What Should Be in Your Client Charts — And Probably Isn’t:  Writing Great Progress Notes and Treatment Plans
 Barbara Griswold Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 November 3 6 Sex Addiction Robert Weiss Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)

Upcoming Board Meetings

Board Meetings are FREE for anyone to attend BUT you MUST register so we have an accurate headcount.
To Register click on the board meeting(s) you wish to attend.


Special Feature
(If you would like your article published in our newsletter please email

Psychodrama from the Inside Out

By Kathy Campbell, LMFT

It was a case of famous last words. I had just described my mood as “a calm lake on a clear, sunny day.” Sitting in the main room of the old Victorian with familiar smells of coffee, wood, and the mildew that never quite surrenders in upstate New York, I am surrounded by my psychodrama training cohort. The invitation to check-in by describing my mood as a landscape and weather pattern seemed simple enough, and my description of the calm lake seemed genuine in the moment. Then my psychodrama trainer, Rebecca, pulled out an empty chair and placed it in the front of the room, stating “This is someone to whom you have something you need to say. Who is it, and what do you need to say to them?”

As others spoke in turn, I stood at the end of the line, with no idea what I was going to say, only knowing as I got closer towards the front that there was something roiling beneath the calm surface. It wasn’t until I stood in front of the chair and burst into tears that I knew who it was:

“It’s my mother.”

My beautiful, sunny mother, who over the past year seemed to have her body invaded by an alien as she sank into a psychotic depression, followed by symptoms of dementia. I was losing the mother I had known all my life, and my family was confronted by an angry, frightened stranger to whom we could no longer connect through logic and reality. My grief had settled below the surface, out of awareness and inaccessible until that moment.

I was the protagonist that day: the person whose individual work would serve as a conduit of healing for the group, my individual story tapping into the universal story of grief, loss, and aging. In the ritual of psychodrama, I walked around the designated stage area with Rebecca, and we talked about what I wanted to have happen in the ensuing work: to make some level of peace with my mother’s illness. I brought the group into my inner psyche by first setting up the scene where the action would take place (my parents’ home), and choosing members of the group to play important roles in a scene that captured my dilemma.

Over the next hour, I was given the gift of being able to do what I so desperately needed to do: be witnessed and supported as I played out what it had been like on my last visit with my mom, trying to convince her that there really wasn't mold or mouse droppings in the food and it was safe to eat. Trying to engage her in old familiar things like making cookies, only to rush into the bathroom and turn on the water so that she wouldn’t hear me sobbing over how lost and confused she was doing something she once taught me to do with cheerful confidence. My dear friend, Susan, played my mother to a T, looking lost and confused, but with moments of her own warmth and love bursting through. My other friend, Paul, stood in as a support person, feeding back to me the lines I had given him: “You are strong enough to handle this. Sometimes you just have to bend with the wind.” Later in the scene, Susan stood back behind the chair she had occupied as my mother, and I spoke with her as the spirit and essence of mom, the core of her that I knew was still buried somewhere inside the “alien mom.” At the end of the scene, Susan intuitively picked up what I needed to do to complete the scene: she slowly backed out of the room, waving goodbye and calling in a fading voice, “Goodbye. I love you.” Without my telling her, she knew exactly what the essence of my mom would say and do, giving me the chance to say what I could not say to the real current version of my mom.

Goodbye. I love you.

After the scene was over, the group gathered in a circle for the closing part of the work. With me sitting close to Rebecca, one by one, group members shared what the drama had meant for them. For Susan and Paul, that included not only their own experience with grief and loss, but also feelings and information they tapped into in the roles they played in the scene. I let their words and support wash over me and envelope me like a warm blanket. I feel it’s ripples, even to this day.

I cannot fully explain why standing in front of an empty chair connected me with such powerful immediacy to my buried grief; nor can I put words to the tremendous gift and profound healing I experienced through speaking with my mother and her spirit through Susan in the scene, witnessed and supported by the group. I can only say that, time and again, I connect with feelings and knowledge in action that I cannot connect to when I’m sitting in a chair trying to find feelings and sensory information through words alone. Bessel van der Kolk often says “the body remembers what the mind forgets.” Our three-dimensional memory is locked into our bodies; so is much of our wisdom. I have found that most of us know more than we think we know. Both the fullness of the problems and the rich possibilities of the solutions lie in our bodies, in our creative minds, and in our spontaneity.

Jacob Moreno, the founder of psychodrama, believed that helping people access their own spontaneity is the key to healing and empowerment. He described spontaneity as “an adequate response to a new situation, or a new and adequate response to an old situation.” I love the word “adequate:” not perfect or brilliant; it doesn’t even necessarily have to be good. Good enough will do just fine. Since feeling safe and feeling warmed up to one’s own creativity are prerequisites for spontaneity, he and psychodramatists since have emphasized creating action structures that warm people up to their own creativity before moving into action, and strategies that keep the action within the optimal window of challenge for real change to take place. A phrase I often used to describe psychodrama: it is both playful and profound.

I am passionate about this work. Through my cross training in EMDR, sand tray, and hypnotherapy, I can see similar thought processes at work. All involve moving into the liminal space, what Jacob Moreno refers to as the “surplus reality.” This space lies somewhere between concrete reality and the imaginary realm, where there is both grounding and freedom, allowing us to see things from a new perspective, gain new wisdom, and make profound and lasting changes.

Kathy Campbell will be offering a number of psychodrama groups starting this fall, including groups for trainees, interns, and therapists, as well as groups for clients and the general public. For more information or to receive updates on upcoming groups, please contact Kathy Campbell at (916) 550-5065, via email, or visit


The views expressed in the Special Feature Articles do not necessarily reflect the Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT or CAMFT. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author. No information in this article will be understood as official.  Other views and commentary are welcome and will be published as long as they are respectful and stick to the topic.

Letters to the Editor
Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section.  We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.

 We Have No Letters to the Editor!  Let your voice be heard!  Write a letter to the editor!

 Letters to the Editor Guidelines
  • You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
  • You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
  • It must be no more than 250 words.
  • You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
  • If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
  • Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
  • All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
  • Please send your letters to
  • If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
  • If there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in. 


Psyched about Books and Movies

Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!"  Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a review. 

Title: Rachel's Christmas Boat
Author: Sophie Labelle
Copyright: Flamingo Rampant 2017
Reviewer: Heather Blessing, LMFT

Lulu's dad tells her that she's going to change her name to Rachel and be a lady now and Lulu is worried that Santa won't find out in time to fix all of the tags on Rachel's Presents.  This is a wonderful way to tell a story of a dad's transition.  Flamingo Rampant Books  have wonderful books that are not only multicultural but diverse and every way.  These books are great to have in a waiting room or even as loaners for kids to see the different ways we are a family.


Book/Movie Review Submission Policy

All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes.
Your review should include the title, a short synopsis about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date.You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammar and size click below: (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.  Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter.

You can submit your review by: Visiting our webpage:

Mailing it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816


Paid Internships
Listing Provided by:

Prelicensed is a free resource for MFT registered interns, trainees, and students in California. We offer numerous services that are designed to help you prepare and prevail over the course of your journey to licensure

Clinician - Sacramento, CA - Sierra Forever Families

Therapist/Community Based Case Coordinator - Sacramento, CA - Stanford Youth Solutions


For more job listings and other free resources, visit Prelicensed!

Advertising and Announcements


HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Sacramento is small private mental health clinic that specializes in Intensive Outpatient Programs. We treat our patients from a holistic perspective. Our goal is to remove obstacles from healing and help our patients create a life of authenticity and self-management. Our programs are covered by insurance for children, teens and adults with the following conditions: Trauma, including Medical Trauma and Chronic Pain, Mood and Anxiety Problems, Food Dysregulations, Autism Spectrum and Behavior Problems. Patients generally continue to see their primary therapist while attending IOP treatment.  Please visit our website at


Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (PSY 7480)
Attorney at Law (SBN 119231)
Free consultation.
Telephone: 916.641.7300


Dean Dickerson, Ph.D. is an EMDRIA Certified Therapist, an EMDRIA Approved Consultant and a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress.  Since 2008 Dean has helped therapists integrate EMDR into their practice and/or assisted them in becoming an EMDRIA Approved Therapist.  He is particularly interested in applying neurobiology to developmental attachment and trauma healing.  Contact him for more information about his new groups in Roseville and Davis at: or 530.756.0555 ext 102.


Advertising Policy for the Newsletter

All ads and reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes. Chapter members advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employment opportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow these rates:


$10 for 200 key strokes

$20 for 201-600 key strokes

$30 for 601-1000 key strokes

Full page and ½ page ads are not accepted.


All ads contain text only; no graphics will be included.

Ads submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your ad in a Microsoft Word document to note how many characters, how big your ad is, and for your own record keeping. Please visit our site to find more information on how to use Microsoft word for editing. You can then copy and paste it on our online submission form located here (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.


Ads must be received by the 25th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. Ads are placed in the order that they are received.


You can submit and pay for your ad by:


Visiting our webpage:

Mailing in payment: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816

Emailing the Newsletter Editor:

Thank you for contributing to the newsletter!

Copyright © 2017 {Organization_Name}. All rights reserved.
Contact email: {Organization_Contact_Email}

Contact us mail: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 597-0811
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