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Chapter Bylaws

Revised January 2024

Adopted February 1, 2024

Click to view/download the Chapter Bylaws




The name of this chapter of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
(CAMFT) shall be Sacramento Valley Chapter (SVC-CAMFT).


The geographic area served by this chapter is as follows: The physical boundaries shall approximate and include parts of Placer County to the North, all of Sacramento County, Amador and El Dorado County to the East, Yolo County to the West, and to the San Joaquin County line to the south.


The Board of Directors of this chapter may select a principal office for the transaction of chapter business within the geographic area served by the chapter, or may from time to time designate different places within the geographic area served by the chapter where chapter business may be conducted.


The objectives and purposes of this chapter shall be to advance marriage and family therapy as an art, a science and a mental health profession, and to assist CAMFT in furthering its objectives on a local level. The chapter may pursue such other objectives and purposes that are in the best interests of CAMFT, its members and the members of this chapter that are not in conflict with CAMFT’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, or the CAMFT Code of Ethics.  SVC-CAMFT  is  a  nonprofit  organization  501(c)(04)  with  Tax  I.D  No.  68-005-5631.




Only individuals who are licensed in the State of California as Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and who are CAMFT members in good standing  shall  be  eligible  for  membership  in  this  chapter  as  clinical members. Clinical members have full voting privileges.


Individuals  who  are Trainees or Registered Associated Marriage & Family Therapists with the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) and are CAMFT members in good standing shall be eligible for membership in this chapter as Registered Associate members. Pre-licensed members have full voting privileges.


Individuals  who  are  enrolled  in  a  BBS-recognized  counseling  training program or master’s degree program in marriage and family therapy and who   are   CAMFT   members   in   good   standing   shall   be   eligible   for membership in this chapter as Student members.

Individuals who have completed their graduate level degrees, who have a pending  application  for  MFT  Associate  status  with  the  BBS  and  are CAMFT members in good standing shall be eligible for membership in this chapter as Student members.

Student members have full voting privileges in this chapter.


An Affiliate member shall be a licensed member of a profession related to Marriage and Family Therapy or in the general field of mental health (i.e.: LPCC, LCSW, etc).

An  Affiliate  member  shall  not  be  eligible  to  vote,  hold  an  elected position nor be listed in the "Find a Therapist" directory, but shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges of association membership including attending events, board meetings, advertising to chapter, volunteer opportunities, and posting in chapter exchange.


A clinical member of at least 65 years of age, who at formal retirement from marriage and family therapy has been a clinical member in good standing for at least ten (10) consecutive years immediately prior to a written application for this category of membership. All emeritus members shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association with some restrictions.” All emeritus members will have a discounted membership fee of $10 less than regular membership, and they shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association with the restriction of not being able to hold office.   


No chapter member may transfer his/her membership or any right arising therefrom. All rights as a member of this chapter shall cease upon the member’s death.

a.    Admission to Membership: Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, membership in any category shall be upon a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  All chapter members shall pay dues to SVC-CAMFT yearly. Dues are paid on or after January first every year and will be accompanied by a completed membership application either on the chapter website or by a printed application requested from the Administrative Assistant. Dues will be  prorated  after  March  31.  All  chapter  members  shall  also  pay  dues  in accordance with the dues schedule of CAMFT and shall abide by the bylaws of the chapter and the bylaws of ethical standards of CAMFT.

b.    Termination of Membership: Membership in the chapter shall be terminated upon the  occurrence  of  any  of  the  following:  resignation,  non-payment of dues,  expulsion, suspension, or loss of eligibility.

i.    Resignation: A member may resign from membership at any time by submitting his  or  her  resignation  in  writing  to  the  chapter.  The  effective  date  of  the resignation shall be when the chapter receives the letter of resignation or at such later times as is indicated in the letter.

ii.    Nonpayment of Dues: Anyone whose dues are in default to the chapter shall be dropped from membership following a three-month grace period

iii.    Expulsion or Suspension: Anyone who has been determined to have violated the ethical standards of CAMFT and who has been expelled or suspended from membership in CAMFT, shall also be expelled or suspended from membership in this chapter. Any member to be expelled or suspended shall be entitled to at least  fifteen  (15)  days  prior  notice  of  the  expulsion  or  suspension  and  the reasons thereof. Notice may be given by any method reasonably calculated to provide actual notice.

iv.    Loss of Eligibility: Any member, regardless of category or classification, who is  no  longer  eligible  for  such  membership  due  to  loss  in  the  qualifications entitling such person to hold such membership, including an associate member who  has  been  licensed  for  ninety  (90)  days  and  has  not  transferred  his/her membership to clinical membership, may be dropped from membership.

v.    Violation  of  the  Code  of  Conduct:  Any  member,  regardless  of  category  or classification,  that  the  Code  of  Conduct  Committee  has  determined  to  have violated  the  SVC-CAMFT  Code  of  Conduct  may  have  their  membership temporarily suspended or permanently terminated.

vi.    Refund: The board of Directors will consider a prorated refund of membership dues on a case-by-case basis upon request from members in case of termination of membership, not due to violation of the Code of Conduct or explosion/suspension from CAMFT. Consideration of the Board of Directors of a prorated refund does not guarantee a refund will be provided as it is at the discretion of the Board and will require a unanimous vote from the Board for approval.

c.    Reinstatement of Membership:
i.    After Resignation or Termination for Non Payment of Dues: Anyone who has resigned  his/her  membership  from  the  chapter  or  has  terminated  his/her membership  because  of  non-payment  of  dues  may  be  reinstated  to  that member’s category of membership provided that such person meets the criteria for  that  category  of  membership,  is  currently  a  member  of  CAMFT,  has submitted a new application for membership to the chapter accompanied by payment of appropriate dues application, or other fees.
ii.    After Expulsion or Suspension: Anyone who has been expelled or suspended from  membership  in  the  chapter  for  violation  of  the  ethical  standards  of CAMFT may be reinstated when membership within CAMFT is reinstated
iii.    After   Temporary   Suspension:   Anyone   who   had   been   suspended   from membership in the chapter for violation of the SVC-CAMFT Code of Conduct may be reinstated after the suspension period is over. Reinstatement of membership to the Association will be granted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  


This  chapter  may  provide  certificates  of  membership  upon  request,  to  each  applicant accepted into membership of the chapter upon receipt of the required dues or assessments to become a chapter member.



An annual meeting of members shall be held in November unless the chapter Board of Directors elects another date and notifies members as provided in Section F of this Article.


Special general meetings may be called by the President in consultation with the chapter Board of Directors or shall be called by the request of five percent or more of the voting chapter members.


Meetings shall be held at a location within the area served by the chapter or shall be held virtually


A quorum for any general meeting of the chapter, during which business is conducted, shall be three (3) percent of the voting membership. If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of the majority of voting power represented at the meeting entitled to vote and voting on any matter shall be the act of the members unless a greater number or voting by classes is required by the articles, bylaws or by applicable law.


When a meeting of members is recessed or adjourned to another time or place, the notice for meetings held within 14 days of the original meeting needs to be sent via email and the association  may  transact  any  business  that  might  have  been  transacted  at  the  original meeting as long as the requirements of Section VI.  D. are met.


Notice of regularly scheduled general meetings shall be made in writing or electronic mail (e-mail) to members with the email address in the records of the Chapter to members not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting Written notice of any annual or special meeting of members, which occurs at a time other than regularly scheduled general meeting, shall be given to each member, not less than ten (10) nor more than ninety (90) days before the date of the meeting. When an annual or special meeting is recessed or adjourned for more than fourteen (14) days, a notice of the recessed or adjourned meeting shall be given as if it were the original meeting.

The notice of meeting shall specify the place, date, and hour of the meeting and (1) in the case of a special meeting, the general nature of the business to be transacted, and no other business may be transacted, or (2) in the case of the annual meeting or general meeting, those matters which  the  Board  of  Directors,  at  the  time  the  notice  is given,  intends  to present for action by the members.

Notice of any meeting of members shall be given by electronic mail


At the discretion and upon approval of the Board of Directors, any action which may be taken at any regular or special meeting of members may be taken without a meeting when the Chapter distributes a ballot and any related material sent by mail or by electronic mail (e-mail) to every member entitled to vote. That ballot shall set forth the proposed action, provide an opportunity to specify approval or disapproval of any proposal, and provide a reasonable time within which to return the ballot to the Chapter. Only those members of the Chapters who have given unrevoked consent to receive a ballot by electronic mail (e-mail) and have an electronic mail (e-mail) address in the records of the Chapters shall be sent an electronic mail (e-mail) ballot. A member who gave consent for an e-ballot would like to receive a paper ballot, they need to inform the chapter about it and a ballot will be mailed to them.

To be valid, a ballot must be returned by mail or by electronic mail (e-mail), or cast through an electronic means such as a website as approved by the Board of Directors.

There shall be no proxy voting under any circumstances.



The activities and affairs of this chapter shall be conducted under the direction of a Board of Directors, all of whom shall be members of the chapter. The Board of Directors, will include the Executive Committee and the Chairpersons of the following committees:

3000 Club Committee, Programs Committee, Volunteer Committee, Sponsorship Committee, and the Membership Committee.
The board has the power to select and remove all agents, employees and contractors of the chapter, fix compensation and secure faithful performance of duties as prescribed. The Board of Directors has the power to call a vote of the voting members regarding any changes to the advertised membership benefits and/or the fees.
A chapter’s Board of Directors shall be comprised of no more than thirty-five (35) percent of affiliate members or pre-licensed members of the Association who are entitled to vote on matters submitted before the chapter’s Board of Directors. Such members shall not serve as President, President-Elect, or Past President.


The  Executive  Committee  shall  consist  of  the  elected  officers  including  President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Past-President. The Executive Committee shall not contain, at any time, fewer than two (2) persons who are licensed as Marriage and Family Therapists and hold the position of President and President-Elect. The Secretary and Treasurer positions may be filled by a licensed clinician or a registered associate.


a.    President:  If the President was unlicensed at the time of election, as President or President-Elect, he/she must obtain licensure prior to assuming office. The President shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
i.    Exercise general supervision over chapter activities
ii.    Provide leadership
iii.    Conduct chapter affairs in accordance with the chapter bylaws and/or operating policies.
iv.    Maintain contact with all officers, directors, and committee chairs and with members of the chapter by means of letter, email, telephone, or personal contact.
v.    The President shall coordinate and preside over five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
vi.    The President will call for, coordinate and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee.
vii.    Preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors.
viii.    Recommend to the Executive Committee and the Nomination Committee members to be appointed to serve as standing committee Chairpersons. Appoint standing committee members except as otherwise provided in these bylaws.
ix.    The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, but shall have no right to vote when serving in an ex-officio capacity.
x.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws
b.    President-Elect: The President-Elect shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
i.    Succeed to the Presidency.
ii.    Perform duties of the President in the absence of the President or in the President’s inability to serve.
iii.    Preside over the Nominating Committee.
iv.    Perform those duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
v.    Prepare to take on the office of the presidency to perform such duties as delegated by the Board.
vi.    Function as a President in training for one year, then becoming President for one year and then as Past President for one year.
vii.    Begin formulating plans for his/her term during his/her tenure as President-Elect including finding volunteers for the next term.
viii.    Learn how to exercise general supervision over chapter activities from the President and Past President.
ix.    Learn to provide leadership from President and Past President
x.    Learn to conduct chapter affairs in accordance with the chapter bylaws and/or operating policies from the President and Past President.
xi.    Maintain contact with all officers, directors, and committee chairs and with members of the chapter by means of letter, email, telephone, or personal contact.
xii.    The President-Elect shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
xiii.    The President-Elect shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee.
xiv.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
c.    Past-President: The Past-President shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
i.    Mentor the President-Elect and the President in all manner of running SVC-CAMFT.
ii.    Assist the President-Elect and President in running SVC-CAMFT.
iii.    The Past-President shall attend board meetings five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
iv.    The Past-President shall attend any needed meetings of the Executive Committee
v.    The past president can act as a president in the event of the elected president becoming unavailable to serve and the position of the President-Elect is vacant or the President-Elect is unable to serve.
d.    Secretary: The Secretary shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
i.    Keep accurate minutes of all Board or business meetings of the association.
ii.    Shall publish or cause to be published meeting minutes on the SVC-CAMFT website.
iii.    Maintain an accurate historical record in archives established by the board.
iv.    Monitor Board discussions and make motions when appropriate to facilitate decision making.
v.    If a special meeting is called, the Secretary shall record who authorized the meeting, the notice given, the names of those present at such meetings, the numbers of members present or represented at such meetings, and the proceedings of such meetings.
vi.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
vii.    In the event of the Secretary’s absence, his/her duties may be performed by any member appointed by the President.
viii.    The Secretary shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
ix.    The Secretary shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee.
e.    Treasurer: The Treasurer shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
i.    Keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate records of accounts of the properties and business transactions of the chapter, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, retained earnings, and other matters customarily included in financial statements.
ii.    Make books of account open to inspection by any Board member at all reasonable times.
iii.    Provide quarterly reports to the Board of Directors.
iv.    Deposit, or shall cause to be deposited, all money and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the chapter with such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors.
v.    Disburse, or cause to be disbursed, the funds of the chapter as may be ordered by the Board of Directors.
vi.    Render at such regular meetings of the Board of Directors, or at such other times as directed by the Board of Directors an account of his/her transactions as Chief Financial Officer and of the financial condition of the chapter.
vii.    Prepare or cause to be prepared a proposed annual budget to be presented to the Board of Directors prior to the annual membership meeting.
viii.    Have such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the bylaws.
ix.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
x.    The Treasurer shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
xi.    The Treasurer shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee


In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, other than the President, the Board of Directors shall elect, by a majority of the Directors then in office, at the next regular Board of Directors meeting, any eligible member of the chapter to fill the unexpired term.


The Board of Directors, by a vote of not less 2/3 majority, shall have the authority to recommend, for approval by membership, removal from office for cause any one of its officers, after having given that officer opportunity to appear before the Board of Directors to answer to the charges, and the officer recommended to be removed is to be given opportunity to make a statement before the membership before or at the time of membership vote.


In the absence of the President from a meeting over which he/she should preside or in the permanent absence of the President, the order of succession shall be: President-Elect, Past- President, Secretary, Treasurer.

a.    Number of Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet at least six (6) times during each fiscal year. The Board of Directors shall meet at least six (6) times during each fiscal year. Dates for these board meetings shall be established by the Board of Directors. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at any location within the area served by the chapter and may be held via conference call, video conferencing, or speaker phone provided that each person is able to speak to or be heard directly.

b.    Notice of Meetings: Board meetings shall be held upon not less than ten (10)  days  written  or  electronic  notice.  Notification  of  the  date,  time  and location will be posted on the chapter website/calender.

c.    Special Meetings: A special meeting may be called by the chair of the board, by any two directors, or by the chapter’s president, secretary, or presiden-elect. Such specially called meetings shall be held within thirty (30) days of the request. Special meetings of the Board shall be held upon at least four (4) days notice by email at each the Board of Director's addresses as shown on the records of the chapter.

d.    Action by unanimous consent without a meeting: Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Board under any provision of law may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board individually or collectively consent via electronic transmission, to such action in any manner specified in the California Nonprofit Corporation Law.


A majority of the number of Board of Directors authorized in these bylaws shall constitute a quorum of the Board for the transaction of business. Every act or decision made by a majority of the voting Board members present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present  is  the  act  of  the  Board,  except  when  a  greater  or  lesser  number  is  required  by applicable law or by these bylaws. A meeting at which a quorum is initially present may continue to transact business notwithstanding the withdrawal of Directors.


No compensation shall be paid to any member of the Board for performing the duties for which he or she was elected or appointed. A member of the Board may be designated a paid agent by the following procedure.

The Board may contract or transact with a director(s) to perform work deemed vital to the Association. All material facts as to the transaction and as to such director’s interest shall be fully disclosed to the Board of Directors. The director(s) with whom a conflict of interest may arise shall present to the board their proposal and then excuse themselves from the meeting while the remaining board, who must maintain a quorum in number, deliberates and votes upon the contract or transaction.  If the vote affirms the contract, the Board shall make a specific finding and record in the meeting minutes that such contract or transaction is just and reasonable as to the Association.

No contract or transaction shall be considered by a person or organization found to have violated a tenet of CAMFT Code of Ethics for a period of three years from the date of the infraction is judged by CAMFT or the date upon which suspension or expulsion has been removed by CAMFT unless the SVC-CAMFT Board of Directors finds specific finding that other comparable service is not available.  If such specific finding as outlined in this section is determined, then process of deliberation and vote shall comply with this section of the bylaws.

Nothing in this section shall prevent Board members from receiving reimbursement for expenses  as  may  be  determined  by  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Directors  to  be  just  and reasonable.

The board members can’t be exempt from paying the membership fees of SVC-CAMFT or get discounted membership rates.
The board members may receive discounted registrations for SVC-CAMT chapter events - if they actively work the event (registration table, networking, announcements, etc.)
A volunteer thank you gift (gift card, lunch, etc.) is acceptable as long as all the volunteers in the chapter are included as well.

a.    Nominations: The Board of Directors shall appoint, upon recommendation of the President, a nominating committee consisting of a Chair, who shall be the President-Elect, and at least two (2) clinical members of the chapter, none   of   whom   shall   be   eligible   for   nomination   by   the   nominating committee. The nominating committee’s function is to nominate qualified members  and  certify  the  eligibility  of  the  candidates  for  election  to  the Executive  Committee  and  for  appointment  to  positions  as  committee Chairpersons.  Committee  Chairpersons  will  not  be  voted  upon  by  the general membership. They will assume their position upon appointment by the President, in consultation with the Board of Directors. The committee in selecting its nominees makes an effort to seek diversity of representation and takes into account the geographical, ethnic and gender composition of the membership
The nominating committee shall call for recommendations from all members of the Association at least one hundred and twenty (120) days before the date of election.The nomination committee shall meet by September 10 of the year to propose a slate of candidates for the upcoming year. A slate of candidates is to be given to the President by September 15. Names of nominees shall be announced via electronic transmission to voting members at least fifty (50) days prior to the last voting day.

The  committee  shall  inform  all  nominees  of  the  duties  of  the  office  for which they have been nominated and secure their consent to serve.

b.    Eligibility:  No  person  shall  be  eligible  for  election  to  the  Executive Committee until he or she has been a voting member of the chapter for at least one (1) year upon taking office. An exception to this requirement may be exercised by a majority vote of the Executive Committee in the instance of the lack of a qualified candidate for nomination to an Executive Committee position. Limitations: No person shall be placed on the ballot or appointed to the Board of Directors if such person, in serving out his or her present elected or appointed term, will have served on the Board of Directors for four (4) consecutive years or more, whether by appointment or elections, except as approved by the Executive Committee. This provision shall be inapplicable  to  a  person  who  is  placed  on  the  ballot  for  the  office  of President and/or President-Elect.

c.    Election Procedures: Results of the election and appointments to the Board of Directors will be made public in the January publication of the SVC- CAMFT newsletter, and website. The new Board of Directors will assume office on January 1 of each year.

The nominating committee shall prepare a ballot consisting of the slate of nominees. The ballot will be posted on the website by November 1 of the fiscal  year  preceding  the  date  for  newly  elected  Executive  Committee members to assume office.  The closing date of the election shall be no later than December 15.

The  nominating  committee  shall  then  prepare  or  cause  to  be  prepared  a ballot  consisting  of  the  slate  of  nominees  prepared  by  the  nominating committee.   

The ballots will be transmitted by electronic mail to the email address in the records of the Association.The candidate information will be posted on the chapter website and conveyed to all the members via electronic mail. A member has a right to request a paper ballot. Such member needs to inform the chapter about their choice in writing via email.

The candidate receiving the largest number of votes in each position shall be elected. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be conducted by the President prior to the annual membership meeting.

d.    Rotation and Term of Office: A President-Elect shall be elected each year, who  will  serve  for  three  (3)  years;  the  first  year  as  President-Elect,  the second year as President; and the third year as Past-President of the chapter.

There shall be no election for President except at such time as the President- Elect declines or is otherwise unable to serve as President or if the President- Elect was appointed by the Board of Directors.

The current executive board member or committee chair can continue to serve in the same position after they reach their term limit if there is no other candidate for that position even after an active search and the current officer is willing to continue for one or a maximum of two more years. The president can serve for one more year as an extension term in the above case.



Special   committees,   subcommittees,   commissions,   or   task   forces   may   be   created, appointed or terminated by the Board of Directors as in its judgment may be necessary. The duties and terms of any such special committees shall be prescribed by the Board of Directors upon formation. These may include but not be limited to:



The  Membership  Committee  shall  promote  membership  in  the  chapter  and CAMFT and may from time to time promote the online directory of chapter members.

The  Programs  Committee  shall  ensure  workshops  and  training  further the growth and development of SVC-CAMFT membership.

iii.    3000 CLUB COMMITTEE

The  3000  Club  Committee  is  responsible  for  promoting  the  growth  and development of Associate pre-licensed members.


The Volunteer Committee shall recruit and coordinate volunteers with other committees for the furtherance of SVC-CAMFT.


The  Sponsorship  Committee  shall  recruit  and  coordinate  sponsors  for  the furtherance of SVC-CAMFT under the guidance of the Executive Committee.


The Diversity, equity, and inclusion committee will foster and support diversity, equity and inclusion within SVC-CAMFT’s leadership, membership and community programs.


The Social Media Liaison is a volunteer position and is not a part of the board of directors. This person works with the executive board and the  program committee chairs to post events and announcements on our social media platforms.



The Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, a majority of whom shall be clinical members of the Association.  The Bylaws Committee shall  consider  the  advisability  of  bylaw  amendments,  hear  or  review  all proposed amendments and make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding amendments to the bylaws.


The  Finance  Committee  shall  be  chaired  by  the  Treasurer.    The  Finance Committee shall evaluate the financial status of the chapter and recommend to the Executive Committee changes in dues and assessments and make such other recommendations as may be necessary to provide income for the chapter to carry out its activities.  In the absence of an appointed Finance Committee, the executive committee shall serve as the acting finance committee.


The Ethics Committee shall serve in an educational capacity for the members and the public regarding CAMFT Code of Ethics, promote compliance with such standards, and under the guidance of the Executive Committee work with CAMFT  during  periods  of  review  of  CAMFT  Code  of  Ethics.   The  Ethics Committee does not serve to adjudicate ethical concerns.


The Code of Conduct Committee shall develop, maintain and enforce the SVC- CAMFT  Code  of  Conduct.  The  Code  of  Conduct  Committee  will  handle complaints of infractions of the SVC-CAMFT Code of Conduct.


Standing committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the  Executive  Committee.  Standing  committee  members  shall  be  appointed  by  the President in consultation with the Chairperson

i.    Membership Committee Chair. The Membership Chair shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
1.    Inform prospective and current members of membership benefits and dues and comply with SVC-CAMFT policy and procedures.
2.    Establish and be responsible for the supervision and coordination of a Membership Committee to carry out duties and tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.
3.    Reports to the President.
4.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
5.    The Membership Chair shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meetings can be missed.
ii.    Program Committee Co-Chairs. There shall be (two) 2 Program Committee Co-Chairs on the Board of Directors. The Program Committee Co-Chairs shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
1.    Establish and be responsible for the supervision and coordination of a Programs Committee to carry out duties and tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.
2.    Reports to the President.
3.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
4.    The Program Co-Chair shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
iii.    3000 Club Chair. The 3000 Club Chair shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
1.    Establish and be responsible for the supervision and coordination of a 3000 Club Committee to carry out duties and tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.
2.    Reports to the President.
3.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
4.    The Club 3000 (Pre-license) Chair shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
iv.    Volunteer Chair. The Volunteer Chair shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
1.    Establish and be responsible for the supervision and coordination of a Volunteer Committee to carry out duties and tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.
2.    Reports to the President.
3.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
4.    The Volunteer Chair shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meeting can be missed.
v.    Sponsorship Chair. The Sponsorship Chair shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors:
1.    Establish and be responsible for the supervision and coordination of a Sponsorship Committee to carry out duties and tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.
2.    Reports to the President.
3.    May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these bylaws.
4.    The Sponsorship Chair shall attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of 1 board meetings can be missed.
vi.    Diversity, equity, and inclusion chair
1.    Strive to advocate, educate, collaborate, and strategize for positive racial and social justice change within our membership and our community
2.    We endeavor to be inclusive and value individuals from all ethnicities, ages, races, sexual orientations, genders, languages, abilities, religions, citizenship statuses, and socioeconomic backgrounds into our chapter and into treatment.
3.    Promote ongoing education about privilege, systemic racism, stigma (of all kinds), cultural needs/differences, cultural trauma
4.    Supporting our community of therapists in taking individual responsibility and promoting opportunities for ongoing self-reflection
5.    Focus on impact (not intent)
6.    Holding colleagues accountable for “do no harm”
7.    Gather/ create a list of resources in five areas of diversity: Racial, LGBTQIIA+, Disability, Religious, and Generational.
8.    The Diversity Chair will attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of one (1) board meeting can be missed.
vii.    Social Media Liaison
1.    Post SVC-CAMFT major events on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
2.    Create digital flyers for workshops, groups, peer consultations and board meetings using Canva.
3.    Collaborate with team members on information for upcoming events.


Committees shall consist of at least two (2) members.  The following standing committees will have at least one member of whom shall be a Clinical member of the chapter:  Nominating Committee, Programs Committee, and Membership Committee.


a.    Meetings: Special committees shall meet at such times as determined either by resolution of the Executive Committee, by resolution of the committee, or by the Committee Chairperson with the prior approval of the President. Meetings of committee shall be held at any place designated by the Board, the committee, or the committee Chairperson.
b.    Notice: Meetings of committees shall be held upon not less than ten (10) days’  notice  without  consent  of  all  committee  members.    Committee members  will  be  noticed  through the committee  member's  listed  contact method.
c.    Quorum: A majority of the committee members of each committee shall constitute a quorum of the committee for the transaction of business.
d.    Minutes:  Minutes  shall  be  kept  of  each  meeting  of  any  committee  and reported to the Board. The Executive Committee may adopt rules governing committees that are not inconsistent with these bylaws.



The fiscal year of the chapter shall begin January 1 of each year and end December 31 of each year.


The annual dues of the chapter shall be determined by the Executive Committee by June 15 and approved by the Board of Directors by August 1st. A dues increase shall be passed only following a majority vote of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of the members present at the annual membership meeting in November. Notification of any change in the annual dues shall be made to all members affected as soon after the vote as is practicable and reasonable, but at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of any such increase.


Each  member  in  good  standing,  except  as  otherwise  exempt  by  the  bylaws,  must  pay, within the time and on the conditions set forth in these bylaws or where appropriate, as established by the Board of Directors, such fees, dues and assessments as are fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.


The proposed budget for each year shall be presented to the Executive Committee by the Treasurer prior to the annual membership meeting. The proposed budget shall be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, prior to the general meeting. The final budget is presented at the general meeting and approved by a majority vote of the members present  at  the  general  membership  meeting  in  November.  The  Board  of  Directors  is empowered  to  make  any  changes  in  the  budget  necessitated  by  circumstances  and consistent with the priorities of the chapter. The budget will be distributed at the annual meeting in November.


The Executive Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors shall select and designate such bank or trust company as they deem advisable as official depository of the funds of the chapter and prescribe the manner in which such funds shall be withdrawn.



The  chapter  shall  keep  at  its  selected  office  in  California  the  bylaws  of  the  chapter  as amended to date, which shall be open to inspection by the members at all reasonable times. The chapter shall provide CAMFT with a copy of the  chapter  bylaws and any amendment(s) thereafter made.


The accounting of books, records and minutes of proceedings of the members of the Board of Directors and any committee(s) of the Board of Directors shall be maintained in the selected office for the chapter or with the Treasurer and/or Secretary of the chapter. The minutes and the accounting books and records shall be kept in written or typed form. The minutes, accounting books and records shall be open to inspection on the written demand of any member, at any reasonable time for a purpose reasonably related to the member’s interests as a member. The inspection may be made in person or by an agent or attorney and shall include the right to copy and make extracts.


Every Director shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records and documents of every kind and the physical properties of the chapter. This inspection by a Director may be made in person or by an agent or attorney, and the right of inspection includes the right to copy and make extracts of documents.

a.    A balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year, an income and expense statement and statement of change in financial position for such fiscal year.

b.    Any information required by Section 8322, or its successor section(s), of the   California   Nonprofit Corporation Law, dealing with insider transactions.

Such report shall be accompanied by any report thereon of independent accounts, or, if there is no such report, the certificate of an authorized officer of the chapter that such statements were prepared without audit from the books and records of the chapter.

Upon written request of a member, the Board shall promptly cause the most recent annual report to be sent to the requesting member.

The Board of Directors shall notify each member of their right to receive a copy of the SVC-CAMFT annual report. An annual report shall be prepared and distributed through the listserv and on the website by the end of February. Such report shall contain in appropriate detail the following:


No member, regardless of the class or category of membership held and whether or not a voting member, shall be personally or otherwise liable for any of the debts, liabilities and/or obligations of the chapter. Nothing in this article shall be construed to relieve any person of  any  liability  imposed  by  the  California  Nonprofit  Corporation  Laws  regarding unauthorized distributions.


The title to all property, funds and assets of the chapter shall be held by the chapter, through its  Board  of  Directors,  and  they  shall  have  complete  control  over  the  acquisition, administration, and disposition of any property, funds or assets. The chapter may accept gifts, legacies, devices, donations, and/or contributions in any amount and in any form upon such terms as may be decided by the Board of Directors.


No member shall speak in the name of the chapter without authorization from the President or a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


The  SVC-CAMFT  Board  of  Directors  may  employ  and  terminate  staff  or  hire  or  fire contractors whose terms and conditions of employment or contract shall be specified by the Board and approved by a vote of the majority of the Board of Directors. Such staff or contractors may manage and direct the activities of the chapter as prescribed by the Board of Directors and shall be responsible to the Board.


A.    Initiation of Amendments: Amendments to the bylaws may be initiated in either of two ways.
a.    The Board of Directors, either alone or upon recommendation of the bylaws committee, may initiate a bylaw amendment, or
b.    Ten (10) members of the chapter may, by a written petition addressed to the Secretary of the chapter, initiate an amendment.

B.    Adoption of Amendments: Proposed amendments which have received a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors present shall be recommended to the membership for ratification by electronic transmission pending/after approval of CAMFT. The proposed amendment or amendments shall be posted on the chapter website at least three (3) weeks prior to the time of voting. There shall be specified on the ballot a deadline for voting. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes submitted shall be required for ratification of the proposed amendments.


Division of the chapter into two chapters may be initiated by a recommendation passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board of Directors. Upon passage by the Board, the recommendation for division shall be recommended to the membership for ratification by electronic transmission. A copy of the proposal shall be emailed to all voting members of the chapter at least three (3) weeks prior to the time of voting. There shall be specified on the ballot a deadline for the return of the electronic ballot. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of ballots returned shall be  required  for  ratification  of  the  proposed  division.  The  proposed  division  shall  be submitted to the CAMFT Board of Directors for their approval and for chartering of the two chapters created by the division.


Merger of the chapter with another chapter may be initiated by a recommendation passed by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the Board of Directors of each chapter. Upon passage by the Board of each chapter, the merger shall be recommended to the membership of each chapter for ratification by electronic transmission. A copy of the recommendation shall be sent to all voting members of the chapter via email at least three (3) weeks prior to the time of voting. There shall be specified on the ballot a deadline for the return of the ballot. A two- thirds (2/3) majority of ballots returned shall be required for ratification of the proposed merger. The proposed merger shall be submitted to the CAMFT board of directors for their approval and chartering.


Dissolution  of  the  chapter,  whether  voluntary  or  involuntary  shall  be  conducted  in accordance with applicable law.

In the event of the dissolution of the chapter, all assets and funds of the chapter shall, after debts and/or obligation are paid, be distributed to a charitable organization or foundation as determined by the Board of Directors.


Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the chapter in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, articles of incorporation, and governing laws unless modified by the majority of the voting members present.

A parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President from among the members of the Board of Directors. The parliamentarian shall have the responsibility to ensure compliance with the bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, unless modified, at all meetings of the Board of Directors and all official meetings of the chapter.

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