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  • June 2018 Newsletter

 June 2018
 Newsletter Editor:  Heather Blessing, MA, LMFT 
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 Newsletter Highlights & Important Information

   Don't forget to check out - Listings of paid internships in the Sacramento Area

All of our workshops are at Rancho Cordova City Hall - Click Here for Directions   
Special Feature - Clinical Considerations in Working with Non-Binary Individuals by Adriana Joyner, LMFT

We want to thank our amazing volunteer for the month of April: 

Alicia Pharis
Carolyn Nelson
Jason Cantrill
Simone Laluangphet

We would like to thank our Gold Level Sponsor:

Letter from the Board

June 1, 2018


I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and thank you for giving me the honor to serve on the SVC-CAMFT board.  Seeing all of your dedication and commitment to the issues that impact our community really warms my heart and makes me feel proud to be a member of this amazing organization.  Your support and contributions have allowed us to have a very successful Inaugural CARE workshop.

Those of you who attended the event experienced firsthand the power of narrative and its role in starting the healing process. Dr. Haggins and the student’s co-presenters did an amazing job in educating us about the impact of social injustice issues in our community and the lives of those who are affected by such events. Your participation in the workshop as well as the feedback we received from the attendees has motivated the CARE Task Force to start thinking about tackling some of the other important issues that impact our community. So, stay tuned and be sure to check for updates on their next project via their page.

In addition to our preexisting projects, SVC-CAMFT board members have been busy with attending local mental health awareness events to represent the chapter. Our members were at the Mental Health Day Matters that took place on May 23rd 2018 and plan to attend the Disability Action Day on June 7th 2018.

We look forward to seeing you all at the next workshop, “How to be Supportive of Clients Who are Transgender.” The workshop will be facilitated by  Heather Blessing, LMFT and Joe Borders, LMFT, who will present an interactive workshop where you can ask any questions you have about transgender issues while learning more about the trans* culture.  From trans* friendly language and forms, to understanding informed consent.  Before the workshop, the 3000 Club will have its 1 hour free workshop on Cultural Competence when working with the LGBTQ population by Finley Terhune.

Lastly, don’t forget to register for the Ben Caldwell’s Law and Ethics workshop scheduled on Friday, July 27th & Saturday, July 28th. In this two-day chapter conference, participants will learn about the modern and rapidly-changing legal and ethical landscape for mental health professionals. Participants will gain an understanding of their own internal frameworks for such decisions, the strengths and weaknesses of these frameworks, and how to distinguish personal values from professional ones while honoring both.

Best Regards,

Talal H. Alsaleem

  This issue:
· Ethics Corner
· CARE Task Force
May Workshop Summary

· Upcoming Event
· Upcoming Board Meetings

· Special Feature
· Letters to the Editor

· Psyched about Books and Movies

· Paid MFT Internships
· Advertising and Announcements

· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter


Talal Alsaleem, LMFT


Past President:
Patricia Saint James, LMFT

Adriana Joyner, LMFT

Pate DuBois, AMFT

Program Co-Chairs:


3000 Club Chair:
Suzy Lee, LMFT

Volunteer Chair:

Membership Chair:

Jessica Wolff, LMFT

Sponsorship Chair:
Marti McClellan-Morehouse, LMFT


News from the BBS

The following information pertains to supervising AMFTs and Trainees. Please also see §1833–1833.2, of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations, for specific supervision requirements

  • Authorized License Holders

    Mental health professionals authorized to supervise AMFTs, under California law, must maintain a current and valid license, for the following:

  • Minimum Qualifications

    Supervisors must meet the following minimum qualifications, to supervise AMFTs and Trainees:

    • Possess a current and valid California license for at least two years prior to commencement of supervision; AND
    • Have practiced psychotherapy or directly supervised trainees, interns, or associate clinical social workers who perform psychotherapy as part of their clinical practice, in two of the past five years immediately preceding the commencement of supervision



Ethics Corner

For 2018, in each newsletter we will be featuring different CAMFT ethics codes and looking deeper at how to implement them into your clinical practice.


It can be helpful to think of dual relationships as similar to a conflict of interest. Any other set of interactions with your patient/student/supervisee that does not pertain to your role as their therapist/instructor/supervisor would be considered a dual relationship however, a dual relationship is not, in and of itself, unethical or a conflict of interest. The CAMFT Code of Ethics (Responsibility to Patients 1.2) acknowledges that some types of dual relationships “cannot be avoided.” For example, a therapist may sit on the same PTA as a patient’s family member. Or, your patient may also be a psychotherapist or LMFT.

When considering the ethical standard, therapists are expected to give due diligence to the likelihood or risk of exploiting their position of influence or impairment to their professional judgement.

The examples of unethical dual relationships given in the CAMFT ethical code (Responsibility to Patients 1.2.1): “borrowing money from a patient, hiring a patient, engaging in a business venture with a patient, or engaging in a close personal relationship with a patient,” emphasize the “separate and distinct” difference in the role of the therapist which creates a “reasonably likely” environment for impaired judgment and/or exploitation.

As always, if you have questions about if a relationship you have with a client/supervisee may be considered unethical you can consult with the CAMFT legal team at (858) 292-2638.


  Community Assistance and Resource Effort (CARE)

Come see our NEW Community Assistance and Resource Effort Task Force Page.
We CARE about our community and will be there with you during the tough times.

Community Assistance and Resource Effort (CARE) Task Force will represent SVC-CAMFT's commitment to serving our community by providing timely assistance and resources for tragedies, crises of social injustice, or natural disasters affecting those directly and indirectly in the greater Sacramento area. CARE will be a resource and a platform to help professionals receive support, education, training and resources. It will also serve as a platform for connecting members and non-members. The primary objective of CARE is to mobilize a therapeutic response for those affected by the impact of traumatic events. Oversight of the Task Force will reside with the Executive Committee of the SVC-CAMFT board.

2018 CARE Workshop Sponsors

2018 CARE Workshop Donors

These are the wonderful people who voluntarily donated to our workshops during the registration process.  If a person donates during registration of multiple CARE workshops, their donations are totaled up and they are put in the appropriate category.  The voluntary donations during the registration process go to offsetting the expenses of that current CARE workshop.  If the donations exceed the expenses, the excess donations will be used for future CARE workshop expenses.  Donations are NOT tax deductible.

If you want to donate but are unable to attend click here and the donation will go towards CARE workshops.

Philanthropists - $30+

Margaret Bezmalinovic * Heather Blessing * Jason Briggs * Seth DuVernay * Judy Foddrill * Miriam Hernandez * Gia Herndon * Ann Leber * Claudia Locsin * Mary C Reilly * Rebecca Sharad *  Laura Shlien * Florence Soares-Dabalos * Linda Tell  

Partners - $25

Linda Hill * Marti McClellan-Morehouse * Tressa Murai * Dave Sherlock

Sponsors - $20

Priscilla Barnes * Kelly Clancey-Spruiell * Benny Glover * Judith Icasiano * Catherine Lazar *  Carol Mahr * DeBora Miller * Merrill Powers * Jay Schnabolk 

Supporters - $15

Carolyn R Curtis * Alicia Doktor * Michael Feliciano * Robert Hickman * Gina Mertz * Vicki Pfitzer * Arturo Rangel * Katie Silva * Jessica Wharton * Stephanie Wilson

Assistants - $10

Corri Chadwick * Raven Kauba * Robin Sands-Ginley * Yon Walls 

Helpers - $5

Bailey Armstead * Najjiyya Arnold * Kathy Campbell * Brandy Jones-Thomas * Elaine Johnson * Diane Simon 



 May Workshop Summary

Facilitating Growth in Children through Child-Centered Play Therapy

By Dr. Elizabeth Liles (2CEs)

 For children, play is one of the most effective forms of communication. Child-Centered Play Therapy uses this form of communication to assist the client in becoming more competent in “coping with current and future problems which may impact the child’s life” (Landreth, 1991).  In a jam-packed and lively presentation, Dr. Elizabeth Liles identified the principles behind this therapeutic modality, specific ways of interacting with the client in session, how to stock a play room and how to create a tote bag filled with the basic necessities to facilitate play when traveling between therapy sites.

Dr. Liles provides information on upcoming events related to play therapy and parenting on her company’s facebook page;

Additional information about her personal practice can be found at

Written by Noelle Stroppini

June & July Events


Topic: Cultural Competence when working with the LGBTQ population
Presenter: Finley Terhune
Date: Friday, June 1. 2018
Time: 8:30am to 9:30am 

Location:  Rancho Cordova City Hall, 
                2729 Prospect Park Drive, 
                Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)
Free Coffee and Donuts 
Space is limited so please register here

Workshop Information:  
Get an introduction to cultural competence when working with the LGBTQ population.

Presenter Bio: 

Finley Terhune (they/them/their) is a non-binary, transmasculine identified MFTA and PCCA, as well as Counseling Program Manager at Gender Health Center, a 501.c3 non-profit serving the transgender, LGBQIA+, and other communities in the greater Sacramento (and further!) area. Finley's passions in the field are varied, but currently they work primarily with trans identified youth (including foster youth), and their families/guardians, as well as in relational counseling where one or more partners is transitioning and/or exploring their gender identity. 

Finley's primary theoretical orientation is Queer Informed Narrative Therapy, which is a modality that focuses on the contextualizing, externalizing, and deprivatizing of not only mental health concerns themselves, but also the therapeutic process (to be exceedingly brief about it). As many narrative therapists may say, "The Person is not the Problem, the Problem is the Problem". While QINT informs much of Finley's practice, they are equally devoted to client centered treatment in which the client(s) are actively engaged in the collaboration and form that their time in therapy takes.

** Please be courteous and send us an email at if you are unable to attend after you have registered. **


Topic:  How to be Supportive of Clients Who are Transgender
Presenter:  Heather Blessing, LMFT & Joe Borders, LMFT
Sponsored by:  
Date:  Friday, June 1, 2018

Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00PM
Location: Rancho Cordova City Hall, 
2729 Prospect Park Drive, 
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Doors Open at 9:00AM
Networking starts at 9:00 AM

This program will benefit LMFT, LPCC, LEP and LCSW licensees and pre licensees.

Includes: Breakfast and meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded after the completion of the course via email. 

No CEs will be awarded to persons arriving late or leaving early. Partial CE credit will not be awarded.

Workshop Information:

Learn how to make your practice more supportive to clients who are transgender.  Heather Blessing, LMFT and Joe Borders, LMFT will present an interactive workshop where you can ask any questions you have about transgender issues, while learning more about the trans* culture.  From trans* friendly language and forms, to understanding informed consent.  

9:00 am Registration Starts
9:00am - 9:45am - Networking 
9:45am - 10:00am - Announcements
10:00am - 11:00am - Workshop
11:00am - 11:10am - Break
11:10am - noon - workshop
noon - Workshop Ends

Learning Objectives:
Design forms that are supportive to clients who are transgender
Identify clients who have Gender Dysphoria
Identify clients who are gender fluid\non binary

Presenter Bio:

Heather Blessing, LMFT has been working with the LGBTQ community for more than 20 years.  In 2006 she met and eventually married her husband who is transgender.  When she became licensed in 2015 and working with transgender children has become her specialty.  She does trainings and workshops to help others understand what transgender means and how to be supportive.

Joe Borders is an MFT with offices in Sacramento and Roseville. He has been in private practice since 2014 and specializes in working with couples, teens, addiction, and the LGBTQ community, but if you were to ask him what his passion is he would describe himself as a sex positive LGBTQ therapist. Over the last 2 years Joe has been working extensively with trans and gender non conforming teens. 

Joe writes about issues related to counseling and mental health in his ongoing blog located at Recently he has been working on creating a soon to be released therapist directory for the greater Sacramento area. You can find that at you can find out more about Joe in general at his website 

Register and pay online

Early registration ends Thursday, May 24, 2018 Early registration rates:

2018 Licensed, Associate or Affiliate Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $20

2018 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $15

Non-Member: $30

Starting Friday, May 25, 2018 rates:

2018 Licensed, Associate or Affiliate Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $25

2018 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $20

Non-Member: $35

Registration Ends Wednesday, May 30, 2018No Walk-in Registration unless announced.  

Registration Policy 
Effective January 1, 2018 SVC-CAMFT event registration must be paid online except with prior approval.  Registration dates and fees may vary and are subject to change without notice.  Event discounts prices and discount periods may or may not be offered.  Event registration is deemed complete during the registration period in which registration payment is received.  Incomplete or unpaid registration will be cancelled and removed at the end of each registration period.  

Refund Policy 
Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to an event may be subject to an administrative fee to cover costs of the initial transaction.  No shows, failure to attend, and cancellations 7 or fewer days prior to an event for any reason are non-refundable, including registrations received fewer than 7 days prior to an event. No credit, refunds, or price adjustments will be given for typographical advertisement errors. A $25 fee in addition to the registration fee will be charged for insufficient funds, denied credit cards, or charge-backs. By registering for the event you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.

Grievance Policy 
is located here.

To request accommodations for a disability for any of our events contact our Administrative Assistant at


Topic:  Law and Ethics - The modern legal and ethical landscape: Morals, technology, and more
  Ben Caldwell, PsyD
Sponsored by: 

Date:  Friday, July 27, 2018 and Saturday, July 28, 2018
Doors open and Registration Starts: 
8:30 AM
9:00 AM to 4:00PM 
Continental Breakfast and a Fajita Buffet is provided
Location:  Rancho Cordova City Hall, 

                  2729 Prospect Park Drive, 
                  Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

This program will benefit MFT and LCSW licensees and pre licensees by meeting the qualifications for 6 (for each day)  hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  The presentation focuses squarely on legal and ethical standards in a complex, modern therapy marketplace. Ethics surrounding technology and social media are specifically addressed.Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded via email to participants after the completion of the course.
No CEs will be awarded to persons arriving late or leaving early. Partial CE credit will not be awarded.

Workshop Information:

Complies with 6 hour Law and Ethics requirements for Continuing Education required by BBS.  The two-day course complies with the BBS 12-hour course requirement to be eligible to retake the CA law and ethics exam.  This is not an exam prep class.
Choice of 6 hours by coming to FRIDAY ONLY CLASS or SATURDAY ONLY CLASS or 12 hours by coming to BOTH DAYS. 


This training is meant to allow flexibility in attending one day or both days - Each day offers it's own teaming objectives so choose what is important to you!

In this two-day chapter conference, participants will learn about the modern and rapidly-changing legal and ethical landscape for mental health professionals. Participants will gain an understanding of their own internal frameworks for such decisions, the strengths and weaknesses of these frameworks, and how to distinguish personal values from professional ones while honoring both.

Day 1 (Friday) - 
Day one will focus on recent and planned changes in state law, common questions surrounding work with children and families, and current standards for the utilization of technology and social media in mental health work, including emailing and texting.

- Recent and planned changes to state law 

- Working with minors and families 

- Current legal and ethical standards surrounding technology and social media 

Day 2 (Saturday) -  Day two will focus on ethics and values. First, recent changes in ethics codes will be reviewed, given that each master's level profession has updated its code since 2014. Discussion will then move to the inescapable presence of therapist values in decision-making.

- Recent changes in professional ethics codes 

- Morals and values in ethical decision-making -

- Two court cases: Therapist refusals to treat LGBT clients

Learning Objectives:

  • By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to describe recent and planned changes to California law for mental health professionals.
  • By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to integrate current legal, ethical, and best practice standards into their utilization of technology in clinical work.

  • By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to integrate their values into an ethically sound process of decision-making.

Schedule for each day:

8:30 am-9:00 am- Registration & continental  breakfast
9:00 am-10:20 am - Instruction
10:20 am - 10:35 am - Break
10:35 am - 12:00pm - Instruction
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch - Fajita Buffet
1:00 pm - 2:20 pm - Instruction
2:20 pm - 2:35 pm - Break
2:35 pm - 4:00 pm - Instruction

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Benjamin Caldwell is the author of five books, including Basics of California Law for LMFTs, LPCCs, and LCSWs, which is now on its fifth edition, and Saving Psychotherapy. He serves as adjunct faculty for California State University Northridge and The Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA. In his role as Chair of the Legislative and Advocacy Committee for the California Division of AAMFT, he has been directly involved in California's first-in-the-nation ban on reparative therapy for minors, and he drove the change in title from "intern" to "associate" for prelicensed MFTs and PCCs. For his advocacy work, he was awarded the AAMFT Division Contribution Award in 2013. He is a California licensed marriage and family therapist (#42723) and maintains a private practice in Los Angeles, specializing in working with couples.

Register and pay online

Registration rates:

You MUST be a SVC-CAMFT Member to receive the Member rates.  If you are a CAMFT member and not a member of our chapter then you must pay non member rate or become a member.

SVC-CAMFT MEMBER Intern/Trainee: $65
SVC-CAMFT MEMBER Licensed or Affiliate: $90


SVC-CAMFT MEMBER Intern/Trainee: $110
SVC-CAMFT MEMBER Licensed or Affiliate: $160

Registration Ends Wednesday, July 25, 2018

No Walk-in Registration unless announced.  

For information on joining SVC-CAMFT or renewing your membership for 2018 please email:

Registration Policy 
Effective January 1, 2018 SVC-CAMFT event registration must be paid online except with prior approval.  Registration dates and fees may vary and are subject to change without notice.  Event discounts prices and discount periods may or may not be offered.  Event registration is deemed complete during the registration period in which registration payment is received.  Incomplete or unpaid registration will be cancelled and removed at the end of each registration period.  

Refund Policy 
Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to an event may be subject to an administrative fee to cover costs of the initial transaction.  No shows, failure to attend, and cancellations 7 or fewer days prior to an event for any reason are non-refundable, including registrations received fewer than 7 days prior to an event. No credit, refunds, or price adjustments will be given for typographical advertisement errors. A $25 fee in addition to the registration fee will be charged for insufficient funds, denied credit cards, or charge-backs. By registering for the event you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.

Grievance Policy 
is located here.

To request accommodations for a disability for any of our events contact our Administrative Assistant at


2018 Upcoming Events\Workshops
  • Fri, June 01, 2018 8:30 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, June 01, 2018 9:00 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, July 27, 2018 9:00 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, September 07, 2018 8:30 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, September 07, 2018 9:00 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, October 05, 2018 8:30 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, October 05, 2018 8:30 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, November 02, 2018 8:30 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
  • Fri, November 02, 2018 9:00 AM Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

  • Upcoming Board Meetings

    Board Meetings are FREE for anyone to attend BUT you MUST register so we have an accurate headcount.

    To Register click on the board meeting(s) you wish to attend.

    June Board Meeting

    Fri, June 01, 2018 12:30 PM
    Rancho Cordova City Hall

    September Board Meeting
    Fri, September 07, 2018 12:30 PM
    Rancho Cordova City Hall

    November Board Meeting
    Fri, November 02, 2018 12:30 PM
    Rancho Cordova City Hall


    Special Feature

    (If you would like your article published in our newsletter please email

    Clinical Considerations in Working with Non-Binary Individuals

    It’s LGBTQIA+ Pride Month!

    As clinicians, part of our ethical responsibility is to become well-versed and aware of the unique needs of the communities we serve. The LGBTQIA+ community is no exception, especially as we continue to understand and recognize the diversity of those within the community.

    While over the last several years there has been an emphasis in the media around individuals who are transgender, there are several gender identities that remain underrepresented, particularly non-binary and genderqueer individuals.

    Transgender is commonly used as an umbrella term for individuals whose identified gender does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. This could include transmasculine individuals (assigned female at birth but identify as male), transfeminine individuals (assigned male at birth but identify as female), or non-binary individuals (who may identify as both male and female, may identify as neither male nor female, may feel fluid or queer in their identity, may connect with a third gender, and many, many more). While these terms are commonly used, one’s gender identity is a personal definition and should only be determined by the individual them self.

    Individuals with non-binary identities experience unique challenges even within the transgender community. Often non-binary folks are met with resistance from clinicians and others who hold assumptions around gender being a binary (either male or female). Those same resistant clinicians also tend to struggle with using gender neutral pronouns such as they/them.

    One of the most important things you can do when working with a non-binary individual is to ask questions and respect their answers. If someone tells you their name and pronouns, use them consistently and respectfully. Do not default to using their birth name even if this remains their legal name, or comment about how hard it is to use they/them pronouns in conversation.

    Another harmful assumption some clinicians hold is that there is only one correct way to transition (which is typically assumed to be from male-to-female or female-to-male).  While some transgender individuals do connect with one gender over another, this is not always the case, particularly for non-binary or genderqueer people. Be respectful of the person’s desire, help them connect with what feels authentic and valid for them at each step along the way, support them in their process, and acknowledge that things may change for them as they gain clarity around their gender.

    As a clinician, when you’re starting to work with transgender and non-binary individuals, start by seeking out and taking in information. Dara Hoffman-Fox (they/them pronouns) is a gender therapist in Colorado and a non-binary individual. They are a wealth of information and you can read more about their experiences being non-binary and their clinical work with gender diverse individuals on their website and YouTube channel. And, Dara just announced a new self-paced training they are offering online called Beyond They/Them/Theirs: What Non-Binary Clients Want You to Know as Their Medical Provider

    This month’s SVC CAMFT workshop focuses on clinical work with the transgender and non-binary community presented by Heather Blessing (she/her pronouns), and Joe Borders (he/him pronouns), both local experts in clinical work with gender and sexuality.  Joe has written an excellent article containing tips for people that have a loved one who is transgender or non-binary.  Several of these techniques are also applicable for those providing clinical work with the community.

    Primarily, Joe’s tip to ‘be educated’ is foundational for providing affirmative, culturally sensitive therapy. If you’re new to working with the LGBTQIA+ community some things you can do are:

    •      ask for consultation from a therapist specializing in gender/sexuality work;
    •      seek out trainings and workshops to learn more  (I highly recommend the Gender Spectrum Conference in July 2018 Bay Area, CA);
    •     read articles or watch videos online;
    •      attend community events that celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community (such as Sacramento Pride);
    •      get involved with local groups supporting the transgender community (Gender Health Center);
    •      ask questions and listen, listen, listen!

    Adriana Joyner (she/her), LMFT#46651

    SVC-CAMFT Secretary, Ethics Committee Chair, CARE Taskforce Member


    The views expressed in the Special Feature Articles do not necessarily reflect the Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT or CAMFT. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author. No information in this article will be understood as official.  Other views and commentary are welcome and will be published as long as they are respectful and stick to the topic.

    Letters to the Editor
    Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section.  We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.

     We Have No Letters to the Editor!  Let your voice be heard!  Write a letter to the editor!

     Letters to the Editor Guidelines
    • You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
    • You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
    • It must be no more than 250 words.
    • You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
    • If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
    • Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
    • All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
    • Please send your letters to
    • If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
    • If there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in. 

    Psyched about Books and Movies

    Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!"  Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a review.  

    Title:  Red: A Crayon's Story
    Michael Hall
     Heather Blessing, LMFT

    Review: A crayon that has a wrapper on it that says Red, struggles when everything it draws is blue.  This is a fun and amusing book, that also helps the reader to understand what a person who is transgender feels like.


    Book/Movie Review Submission Policy

    All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes.
    Your review should include the title, a short synopsis about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date.You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammar and size click below: (

    It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.  Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter.

    You can submit your review by: Visiting our webpage:

    Mailing it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816


    Paid Internships
    Listing Provided by:

    Prelicensed is a free resource for MFT registered interns, trainees, and students in California. We offer numerous services that are designed to help you prepare and prevail over the course of your journey to licensure

    Bilingual Spanish Counselor/Therapist - Sacramento, CA - WEAVE, Inc.

    PAID MFT, PCCI, LCSW Associate INTERNSHIP - Vacaville, CA - Restoration Family Counseling Center

    AMFT, APCC, ASW: Child & Family Psychotherapy - Davis, CA -  Life Compass Psychological Services

    For more job listings and other free resources, visit Prelicensed!

    Advertising and Announcements


    Always wanted to get EMDR training?  Now’s your chance for the only EMDR Basic training designed by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., founder of EMDR.  Weekend 1 is July 13-15, weekend 2 is November 16-18, in Sacramento.  Details and registration at  Trained before 2008?  Retake the training for ½ price to be updated on the reconceptualization of EMDR as a comprehensive therapy, compatible with psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, etc.  It resolves unprocessed memories that trigger present symptoms and dysfunction.  Highly researched and empirically validated,  EMDR Is recommended as an effective treatment for trauma by the World Health Organization, the American Psychiatric Assoc, DOD and the VA.  Email:


    Advertising Policy for the Newsletter

    All ads and reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes. Chapter members advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employment opportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow these rates:


    $10 for 200 key strokes

    $20 for 201-600 key strokes

    $30 for 601-1000 key strokes

    Full page and ½ page ads are not accepted.


    All ads contain text only; no graphics will be included.

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