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  • January 2016 Newsletter

January 2016
 Newsletter Editor:  Heather Blessing, MA, LMFT 
Having Problems Reading this E-Mail? 
Click Here to read it on our website.


 Newsletter Highlights & Important Information

     We are at a New Location at Cedar Point Recovery - Click Here for Directions
     We are Going Green - Click Here for More Information
     If You Haven't Renewed Your Membership - Renew Now by Clicking Here

Letter from the Board

January 01, 2016

Dear SVC-CAMFT Member,

Our new board will continue with the projects that were started last year with a few additions.  First, we listened to the members' feedback.  The Friday morning meetings will be at our new location, Cedar Point Recovery, with easy access and plenty of parking.  Also, we will be using a different caterer. 

Continuing in this vain and spirit, we are moving toward being more environmentally  green. In the near future, members will be able to print out the power point presentation, complete the survey on line and print their CEU certification.  This is more than green, it will use our budget more wisely, see Going Green in this edition of the newsletter.

Expect more information and opportunities to participate on our new Social Justice Committee. Ann Leber is spearheading this effort to reach out and serve our community.  

We offer a heartfelt gratitude to Heritage Oaks Hospital for graciously providing our meeting room last year for free.  More importantly, thank you to their staff for their unwavering effort and support to make our meetings a success.

The entire board is excited about the up coming year and to serve our community.  Thank for your support.

Patricia Saint James


  This issue:
· Letter From the Board
· Legal Beagle

· We have been Busy
·  Presentation Summary
· Upcoming Meeting
· Upcoming Board Meetings

· Going Green·
· Letters to the Editor

· Psyched about Books and Movies

· Advertising and Announcements

· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter


Patricia St. James, LMFT

David Clark, MFT Intern

Past President:
Ann Leber, LMFT

Alexis Clemons, MFT Intern

Billy Schult, MFT Trainee


Brian Braid, MFT Intern

Program Co-Chairs:

Nate Hooper, LMFT

Hospitality Co-Chairs:

3000 Club Co-Chairs:
Angelina Moxey, MFT Intern

Volunteer Co-Chairs:
Amita Khare, MFT Intern

Membership Co-Chairs:

Sponsorship Co-Chairs:
Sara Coffill, MFT Intern

Legislative Chair:

Marketing Communications Chair:
Karen Ulep, Intern


Legal Beagle

dectective.pngWelcome to the section of the SVC-CAMFT newsletter, Legal Beagle writtenby Darlene Davis, LMFT. The chapter thought it would be helpful to keep youupdated on new laws, legislative pursuits or actions, as well as ongoing legaland ethical dilemmas we all face in our career as Licensed Marriage and FamilyTherapists, Interns, and Trainees. Please feel free to ask questions that youhave and I will do my best to investigate and post your answer in thenewsletter. Please note that articles are based on information from CAMFTand/or the BBS and have been researched to the best of my ability. This is notmeant to be legal advice.  Pleasecontact CAMFT or Board of Behavioral Sciences for any legal matters you needassistance for. 


Our Legal Beagle is a quarterly column for our newsletter with the latest information.  In the meantime if you are an intern and need the new Law and Ethics training - go to



Darlene Davis, LMFT Executive Director HOPE; HealthyOutcomes for Personal Enrichment MFT Stipend Coordinator for GreaterSacramento Instructor of University of Phoenix


SVC-CAMFT Has Been Busy During the Holidays

The Elections have closed and the unanimous results are:

President  -  Patricia St. James, LMFT
President Elect -  David Clark, MFT Intern
Secretary  -  Alexis Clemons, MFT Intern
Treasurer  -  William "Billy" Schult, MFT Trainee

Below is the Current Confirmed Board List

(some people are pending confirmation and will be announced soon)
Position Name
President Patricia St. James, LMFT
President Elect David Clark, MFT Intern
Past-President Ann Leber, LMFT
Secretary Alexis Clemons, MFT Intern
Treasurer William "Billy" Schult, MFT Trainee
Program Co-Chair Nate Hooper, LMFT
Program Co-Chair
Hospitality Co-Chair
Hospitality Co-Chair
3000 Club Co-Chair Angelina Moxey, MFT Intern
3000 Club Co-Chair
Membership Co-Chair
Membership Co-Chair
Legislative Chair
Marketing Communications Chair Karen Ulep, MFT Intern
Member at Large Brian Braid, MFT Intern
Volunteer Chair Amita Khare, MFT Intern
Sponsorship Chair Sara Coffill, MFT Intern


is also looking still looking for Board and Committee Volunteers:

Send an email to if you are interested in volunteering for the board with your contact information and the position(s) or types of things you are interested in.  Join us in making SVC-CAMFT the best it can be!

Renewal notices have been sent so if you haven't please remember to renew so you don't lose your great benefits.  Please note - all SVC-CAMFT members must also be a member of the state CAMFT so make sure your CAMFT membership is up to date and you have your membership number in your profile.

Click Here to Renew

  Presentation Summary

There was No November Meeting


January Meeting Information

Annual Membership Meeting

Date:  Friday, January 15, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Location:  Cedar Point Recovery
                  8950 Cal Center Drive Suite 161
                  Sacramento, CA 95826 (map)

Click Here for the Agenda

Monthly Training

Annual Members Meeting starts at 9:00am and goes to 9:45 AM.  Click Here for the Agenda.

Networking starts at 9:45 AM and Training starts at 10:00 AM

Topic:  Human Trafficking- Addressing the Needs of Survivors - What is the role of the clinician in a trafficking case?
Presenter:  Elisabet Medina, MSW
Date:  Friday, January, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00PM
Location:  Cedar Point Recovery
                    8950 Cal Center Drive Suite 161
               Sacramento, CA 95826 (map)

This program will benefit LMFT and LCSW licensees and pre-licensees by addressing issues as such as privilege, confidentiality and working as a part of a multi-disciplinary team.

Includes: Breakfast and meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded on site and to participants at completion of the course

Workshop Information:
This presentation is for clinicians and administrators whose clients include populations at high risk for trafficking including women, youth, victims of crime, and immigrants.

Learning Objectives:

  • ·       Gain knowledge as to how to identify victims among clients seeking mental health treatment.
  • ·       Understand resources available to victims on a local, state and national level to refer victims of trafficking to services in the community.
  • ·       Learning goals include specific practices that are trauma-informed, safety planning with this population, as well as crisis intervention.
  • ·       Explore challenges to privilege, confidentiality and working as a part of a multi-disciplinary team.

Human Trafficking victims come from a variety of backgrounds -U.S. citizen, immigrants, women, men, adults and minors. Trafficking situations can vary from forced street prostitution to forced labor within a restaurant or domestic servitude within a suburban home.

Clinicians play a vital role in identifying potential victims of trafficking as well as connecting them to vital services. Often victims do not self-identify and it is up to the clinician to identify victims based on red flags. Identified victims present with needs for housing, advocacy within the criminal justice process, and specifically coping with the trauma of what they have endured.

By understanding the nuances of working with victims of trafficking- safety plans, crisis intervention and other practices are greatly improved to the benefits of clients. And given the complexity of trafficking cases, clinicians often become part of a team comprised of case manager, lawyer, clinician, law enforcement and others.

For more information about the presenter and resources for victims of trafficking, please visit:

Polaris Project –
Operate the NHTRC hotline

Freedom Network -
National network of anti-trafficking service providers

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) –
Leading anti-trafficking agency, phone number listed on SB1193 posters 

Presenter Bio:
Elisabet Medina, MSW
Human Trafficking Specialist/MSW
Opening Doors Inc.

Elisabet Medina obtained her Bachelor of Social Work from Azusa Pacific University near Los Angeles. She pursued service opportunities both domestically and abroad, working with street children and communities affected by HIV. Elisabet graduated with a Masters of Social Work with a concentration in Community Organization from the University of Michigan. The focus of Elisabet's work has been with immigrant victims of domestic violence and other crimes. She currently works at Opening Doors Inc providing case management services to survivors of trafficking and education to the community on the issue. In addition to her work at Opening Doors, Elisabet is the Human Trafficking Representative for the State Advisory Council on Refugees and Immigrants as well as the Social Services Committee Chair for the Freedom Network USA.

Register and pay online, register online and pay with cash/check at the door.

Early registration ends Tuesday, January 12th

Early registration rates*:

2016 Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or another local chaptersof CAMFT: $20

2016 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or another local chapter of CAMFT: $15

Non-Member: $30

*Add $5 for late or "at-door" registration

For information on joining SVC-CAMFT or renewing your membership for 2016 please email:

Refund Policy
Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to an event may be subject to an administrative fee to cover costs of the initial transaction.  No shows, failure to attend, and cancellations 7 or fewer days prior to an event for any reason are non-refundable, including registrations received fewer than 7 days prior to an event. No credit, refunds, or price adjustments will be given for typographical advertisement errors. A $25 fee in addition to the registration fee will be charged for insufficient funds, denied credit cards, or charge-backs. By registering for the event you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.

Grievance Policy
is located here.

To request accommodations for a disability for any of our events contact our Administrative Assistant at

2016 Upcoming Meeting Information

 Topic Speaker Location         
 January 15

 Human Trafficking:Addressing the Needs of Survivors Elisabet Medina
Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 February 19

 In Honor of Black History Month - A Discussion Panel on Diversity
Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 March 18

 Recovery / Rehabilitation
 Dr. Mikal-Flynn
Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 April 15

 Introduction to Bringing Baby Home
 Carolyn Rich-Curtis, PhD
Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 May 20

 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation an Innovative Treatment for Depression
 TMS Health Solutions
Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 June 17

Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 July - TBA

 Law and Ethics - 12 Hour 2 Day  Class
 Darlene Davis
 September 16

 "The Daring Way" as it relates to eating disorders
 Jennifer Lombardi
Cedar Point Recovery (map)
 October 21

 "Wisdom Path Parenting" Kate Messina, PhD, LCSWCedar Point Recovery (map)
 November 18

 Understanding Clients who are Transgender, Gender Expansive or Questioning their Gender
 TBACedar Point Recovery (map)

Upcoming Board Meetings

Board Meetings are FREE for anyone to attend BUT you MUST register so we have an accurate headcount.
To Register click on the board meeting(s) you wish to attend.

Sunday, January 17, 2016 - 11:00AM - 1:00PM - Location:  900 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA 95825


Going Green

This summer I became the Administrative Assistant.  I started making sure the handouts, CE Certificates and Certificates of Attendance were taken care of.  I was absolutely shocked how much I had to print out and how much got left.  I am not one of those over zealous "Be Green" people who worry every second about their carbon footprint, but it did bother me how much printing we were doing.  Just an example of one standard training (not even very big) - 40 people, 20 page handout, 1 certificate, 1 survey = 22 pages * 40 attendees = 880 sheets of paper.  Then figure 10 trainings a year that is 8,880 pages of paper, with a majority being thrown away.  That is nearly 2 cases of paper not to mention how much it costs to print all of this.   The following is the energy and waste produced by our annual paper use (information provided by Environmental Paper Network)

Net Energy    2 million BTU's
Greenhouse Gases    325 pounds CO2 equiv.
Water Consumption    1,326 gallons
Solid Waste    111 pounds
NOx    1 pounds
Purchased Energy    1 million BTU's
SO2    2 pounds
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)    1 pounds
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)    1 pounds
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)    1 pounds

So here is SVC-CAMFT's Plan to Go Green!

 The Plan:
1.  Handouts and Powerpoints would be sent to registrants before the training and after via email (also a link in the members area would have them for a short period of time before and after) - This would start in January with sending the attachments but in January I would still print them off and explain the change for future.  Then in February I would have maybe 10 copies on hand and some scratch paper and in March we would only have a couple sets for walk in registrations.

2.  Starting in January we will switch to online surveys and automated emailing of certificates.  
     a.  On site I will be using an app, to check in all that attended (after all licensed people sign out)
     b.  I will send out an email to all who attended with a link to the survey (by 1pm)
     c.  A person clicks on the survey (which has no identifying information) and takes it (it is a digital version of our survey handout)
     d.  All data is stored in a database and can be easily accessed and reported with no scanning or tallying by hand.
     e.  After the survey there are two links one to a CE Certificate and another one to a Certificate of Attendance - the person just needs to click one.
     f.  This takes them to either the CE Certificate form or the Certificate of Attendance form - which requires First Name, Last Name, License number (for CE) and email address
     g.  This data is kept in a separate database so there is no identifying information on the survey and now we will have an automated database of all certificates given.
     h.  After they submit their name, license (if applicable) and email address a pdf of the Certificate they requested is emailed to them
     i.   A copy of every certificate is kept  for our records
     j.   Each certificate emailed out is automatically logged in the database with a link to the actual certificate.

1.  We save trees
2.  We save printing costs
3.  This way is free so we are not replacing print costs with any cost of a software program.
4.  It is going to be a lot easier to have people sign out and not struggle at the end
5.  A LOT less time for me, hospitality and program chairs


Letters to the Editor
Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section.  We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.

 We Have No Letters to the Editor!  Let your voice be heard!  Write a letter to the editor!

 Letters to the Editor Guidelines
  • You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
  • You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
  • It must be no more than 250 words.
  • You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
  • If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
  • Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
  • All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
  • Please send your letters to
  • If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
  • If there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in. 


Psyched about Books and Movies

Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!"  Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a review. 

Title:  Clean and Sober
Rated: R
Released: 2007
Jacqueline Kubal, MFT

Clean and Sober realistically, entertainingly chroniclesan individual’s road to recovery from chemical addiction.  It has great acting from Michael Keaton,Kathy Baker and Morgan Freeman.   It shows the role of an AA or NA group and sponsor. Itemphasizes that recovery is a self-help project and that one cannot rescue theunready.

 Irecommended this movie to a colleague. He uses it with the forensic populationas a “consequence” along with having the individual write a short essay aboutthe film.   You have to see Morgan Freeman playing asubstance abuse counselor who works in a rehab.


Book/Movie Review Submission Policy

All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes.
Your review should include the title, a short synopsis about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date.You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammar and size click below: (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.  Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter.

You can submit your review by: Visiting our webpage:

Mailing it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816


Advertising and Announcements


The Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Sacramento Valley in Roseville is seeking a Licensed Therapist or experienced Registered Intern for an employment opportunity in our newly opened Roseville office. We specialize in evidence-based therapy for anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders in adults, children and teens. Please visit  to learn more about the job opportunity and our center as well as how to apply.


Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (PSY 7480)
Attorney at Law (SBN 119231)
Free consultation.
Telephone: 916.641.7300


 Private practice PAID internship opportunity: For registered Interns ONLY, eager to learn, interests in complex trauma & addictions, utilizing EMDR & DBT, and working with adults and couples. Able to incorporate Christian perspective into professional psychotherapy as appropriate. Please submit cover letter & CV or resume to Pam Shore, MFT by email.
Application deadline: January 8



Youonly have one life to live, and you deserve to live it to the fullest, here atValley Recovery we give you the strength, support, and guidance you need toovercome addiction and take back your life. Valley Recovery Center located in Sacramento,California and we offer a comprehensive and high quality treatment experiencefrom medically managed detox to dual diagnosis Residentialtreatment and a step down into intensive outpatient. We also provide a FamilyProgram and support from our Alumni meeting every Tuesday evening. ContactDavid Burke at 866-303-6275 and visit us at


 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Sacramento is small private mental health clinic that specializes in Intensive Outpatient Programs. We treat our patients from a holistic perspective. Our goal is to remove obstacles from healing and help our patients create a life of authenticity and self-management. Our programs are covered by insurance for children, teens and adults with the following conditions: Trauma, including Medical Trauma and Chronic Pain, Mood and Anxiety Problems, Food Dysregulations, Autism Spectrum and Behavior Problems. Patients generally continue to see their primary therapist while attending IOP treatment.  Please visit our website at

The Book House
2308 J Street, Suite D
Sacramento, CA 95816

This Victorian house located in the heart of Midtown (near 23rd) with several offices and shared waiting room is available to rent by the hour, half day, or full day.  Includes Free parking.

Individual Office Rates:
$10 by the hour
$80 for half day weekly per month
$140 for full day weekly per month

Entire Suite:
$65 an hour for a minimum of 3 hours
Includes:  3 furnished rooms, kitchen, and patio deck

For more information contact:
Michael Healy, LMFT
Phone or Text:  (916) 990-2579


Advertising Policy for the Newsletter

All ads and reviews are not to exceed1000 key strokes. Chaptermembers advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employmentopportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow theserates:


$10 for 200 key strokes

$20 for 201-600 key strokes

$30 for 601-1000 key strokes

Full page and ½ page ads are notaccepted.


All ads contain text only; no graphicswill be included.

Ads submitted that are longer than 1000characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your ad in aMicrosoft Word document to note how many characters, how big your ad is, andfor your own record keeping. Please visit our site to find more information onhow to use Microsoft word for editing. You can then copy and paste it on ouronline submission form located here (

It is your responsibility to check forspelling and grammar errors.


Ads must be received by the 25thof the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. Ads are placed in theorder that they are received.


You can submit and payfor your ad by:


Visitingour webpage:

Mailingin payment: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816

Emailing the Newsletter Editor:

Thank youfor contributing to the newsletter!

Copyright © 2015 {Organization_Name}. All rights reserved.
Contact email: {Organization_Contact_Email}

Contact us mail: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 597-0811
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PO BOX 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816    |    Email:

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