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Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteering for SVC-CAMFT can benefit you in many ways.  You will gain business and leadership experience, friendships, connections and expand your network.  You will receive training and support for your volunteer position.

We gain so much from you too.  Please consider donating your experience, expertise, and time.  Besides the above benefits, SVC-CAMFT offers the following appreciation for our volunteers.

Committee Members

A committee member is a person who is contributing significantly towards the committee; helping the committee chair in coordinating the event, contacting speakers (if applicable), following up with the speakers, researching, drafting emails. A committee chair, in consultation with the president, can appoint one committee member per year.

  • Free admittance to all the events of the particular committee the member is volunteering for. For every 10 hours a committee member works, they get a $10 gift card or $10 towards the next year's membership; limited up to the amount of the membership for the next year.
  • Upon completion of the committee service, committee members get admittance to one free 2-hour workshop at the close of the committee.


  • For every 10 hours a volunteer works, they get a $10 gift card or $10 towards the next year's membership.
  • Volunteers that work a workshop, whether 2 or 6 hours, get in for free for that day AND they get the hours they worked applied towards their next reward (as sometimes they are not able to fully see the workshop when they are volunteering).
  • Volunteers working a full day event, other than a workshop, get a $10 gift card.

Click here to see volunteer positions and become a volunteer

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