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President's Message

Hello Dear Members,

How are you all doing? A lot has happened in the last 3 months. I hope you are taking good care of yourself, taking breaks when things get overwhelming, extending compassion to yourself, and taking a peek deep down at your soul. This is a time for introspection, checking in with your values and commitments, and deciding the course of action you need to take.

At SVC-CAMFT, our team is hard at work. I am glad to announce that we have new Program Co-Chairs, Janani Venkateswaran and Alexandra Thompson, who are enthusiastic and dedicated to bringing you quality training and events. Marianna Jakucska, who successfully carried out the duties as secretary of SVC-CAMFT has stepped down. We are very thankful for Mariana's service to the chapter for multiple years. Victoria Tognozzi is the new secretary. Similarly, Chad Fraga needed to step down from his 3000 Club Chair position. Kindra McCall is going to take that position. A warm welcome to our new board members!

I am grateful for all the past and current board members who are sincere in their commitment to serving the professional community of marriage and family therapists.

By the way, we are still looking for a president-elect for 2022. If you are a person who would like to do a bit more for your community, explore opportunities for professional development, and loves working with people, then this job might be for you. Contact me at if you are interested.

Upcoming Events

We are going to launch a mentorship program in July so be on the lookout for the announcement. Marianna Jakucska and Nancy Orr have worked diligently to bring this incredible program to life. We are hoping that this will provide an opportunity for our members to share their knowledge and expertise and grow professionally and personally.

The bi-monthly board meeting is on July 11th on Zoom from 12 pm- 1:30 pm. Do join in.

Are you ready to mingle, be mindful, relax and have fun at the same time? Then don’t wait, register to participate in the Member Appreciation and Welcome Back Picnic on Saturday, July 16th. This is our first in-person event since March 2020.  The event is FREE but please REGISTER to help with planning. We are going to meet at William Land Park, in Sacramento from 9 am - 11 am. SVC-CAMFT will provide snacks, soft drinks, and coffee. You will get to meet with the board members and your peers in a wonderful environment. You can relax by taking part in a mindfulness activity and have fun playing interactive games and winning raffle prizes. I hope you can join. We are looking for volunteers to help with the picnic. If interested please contact our Volunteer Chair, Vanessa Avila-Pons at

The popular workshop for pre-licensees, Navigating the Road to Licensure, will be presented by CAMFT and hosted by our chapter on Friday, September 16, from 2-4 pm.

Our next Community Huddle is on Sunday, September 28th, at 6 pm on Zoom. This is open to all mental health professionals. You don’t need to be affiliated with any organization.

There are several interesting workshops in the pipeline such as Somatic therapy and Introduction to Brainspotting. Continuing with our theme of ‘Growth and Connection’, we are working on collaborating with local organizations to promote mental health access and education in the community.

Hope to see you at one of the events. Take care you all!

Amita Khare, LMFT
President, SVC-CAMFT


Upcoming Chapter Events

July Board Meeting
Mon, July 11, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Online

Member Appreciation and Welcome Back Picnic (Free)
William Land Park, Sacramento, CA
Sat, July 16, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Peer Consultation Group (Free for chapter members)
Facilitated by Cassandra Flagg, LMFT
Fri, July 22 and Aug. 26, 12:00 PM - Online

Community Huddle on Zoom (Free)
Sun, August 28, 2022 6:00 PM - Online

Navigating the Road to Licensure (2 CEUs)
Presented by

Fri, September 16, 2022 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Online

The Chapter Exchange

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You can visit The Chapter Exchange page anytime to view current ads online.


Board of Directors

Amita Khare, LMFT

President Elect: 

Linita Burnley-Morris, LMFT

Victoria Tognozzi, LMFT

Cassandra Flagg, LMFT

Membership Chair: 
Suzanne Quijano, LMFT

3000 Club Chair:
Kindra McCall

Volunteer Chair: 
Vanessa Avila-Pons, LMFT

Sponsorship Chair: 
Jennifer Viscidy, AMFT

Diversity Chair: 
Angel Ortiz, LMFT

Social Media/ Marketing Chair:  Chadd Black

Program Co-Chairs: 
Alexandra Thompson
Janani Ventakteswaran, AMFT

Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT

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