Topic: The Adoption Journey and the Role of Mental Health Specialists
Presenter: Jenenne Macklin, LCSWDate: Friday, February 7, 2020Time: 9:30 AM to 4:30PMLunch: Fajita Bar ProvidedLocation: Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)Room: American River North
1 hour lunch break will not be included in CE Time Awarded.
Doors Open at 8:30AMNetworking starts at 8:30 AM
It is the goal of SVC-CAMFT is to ensure that we have an environment that is conducive to learning for all of our attendees so we ask that at our events\workshops not to wear scented products. Thank you.
This program will benefit LMFT, LPCC, LEP and LCSW licensees and pre licensees by supporting the professional growth of mental health specialist as it relates to adoption. It is intended that specialist will develop the following: Confidence relates to supporting adoptive families; Awareness of challenges for adoptive families; Empathy for and understanding of loss and attachment associated with adoption. This presentation will assist licensees to understand their role and the complexities of adoption not only from a clinical perspective but also from an authentic personal journey.
This workshop/gathering is an opportunity for all levels of mental/behavioral health specialists to gain knowledge about adoption and exchange ideas related to providing treatment and coordinating services for people who choose to become a loving, “forever” family. Part of the presentation will be an examination of attachment and adoption. Additionally, the types of legal adoptions will be presented. There will also be an introduction to the inner circle of adoption and the outer circles that include mental/behavioral health specialists.
Presenter Bio:
Jenenne Macklin, MSW, LCSW is an author, a speaker and wealth catalyst. After many years as a social worker, clinical supervisor, and program director, she embarked on a journey of reconciliation with her past and planning for her future. Her professional training and a heart-calling urged her to consider a major life change: adoption.
It was at age 35 that Jenenne stumbled upon the family secret that she was adopted. Her story isn’t so different from many others. With adoption having long carried a “soft stigma” filled with misunderstandings, it remains among the last choices for creating a family. And too often, keeping the secret has caused disruption in families when the secret was revealed.
Facilitating dialogues and workshops on the topic of adoption is important to and deeply personal to Jenenne. Only select groups have been privy to her personal story of being adopted and choosing to adopt an infant at 50 years old. It is her intention that attendees will be engaged in a meaningful dialogue and leave better prepared to provide mental/behavioral health services for adoptees and families who have welcomed or want to welcome a vulnerable child into their lives.
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